The main business of the day, if you will forgive; we have new bogs. Our racing friend from Germany, Marcus, has kindly made available to us these top-notch Italian electric flush lavatories which incorporate a bidet, which is pretty fantastic, but i…
More Fun, More Rain
Sufficient rum drinks and dinner ashore made yesterday’s afternoon thunderstorm adventure fade away, and prepared the crew for more fun on the Sea of Abaco. So we leave Marsh Harbour in the morning with an intermediate snorkeling stop, and ultima…
More Fun, More Rain
Sufficient rum drinks and dinner ashore made yesterday’s afternoon thunderstorm adventure fade away, and prepared the crew for more fun on the Sea of Abaco. So we leave Marsh Harbour in the morning with an intermediate snorkeling stop, and ultima…
More Fun, More Rain
Sufficient rum drinks and dinner ashore made yesterday’s afternoon thunderstorm adventure fade away, and prepared the crew for more fun on the Sea of Abaco. So we leave Marsh Harbour in the morning with an intermediate snorkeling stop, and ultima…
Trip Prep
Herrington Harbour South, 6/21/2009Hours logged: 1.25Strong winds and thunderstorms kept us at the dock most of the weekend. We spent most of Saturday getting some chores done on the boat, but we had enough clear weather Sunday morning to make a quick…
Trip Prep
Herrington Harbour South, 6/21/2009Hours logged: 1.25Strong winds and thunderstorms kept us at the dock most of the weekend. We spent most of Saturday getting some chores done on the boat, but we had enough clear weather Sunday morning to make a quick…
Michele, Unleashed!
Knapps Narrows, 6/13 – 6/14, 2009 Hours logged: 4.0Michele will have to fill in the details. While I was off visiting Chris in Chattanooga, Michele took her friend Lina to Knapps Narrows! All went well, apparently, except that Michele apparently doe…
Michele, Unleashed!
Knapps Narrows, 6/13 – 6/14, 2009 Hours logged: 4.0Michele will have to fill in the details. While I was off visiting Chris in Chattanooga, Michele took her friend Lina to Knapps Narrows! All went well, apparently, except that Michele apparently doe…
Wait For It…
Rhode River, Tilghman Point, May 29-31 Hours logged: 5.0Again, no specific plans. Mark had no specific plans either, so we got in touch and decided to meet at Half Moon Bay in the Rhode River on Friday evening. Severe thunderstorms kept us waiting at…
Wait For It…
Rhode River, Tilghman Point, May 29-31 Hours logged: 5.0Again, no specific plans. Mark had no specific plans either, so we got in touch and decided to meet at Half Moon Bay in the Rhode River on Friday evening. Severe thunderstorms kept us waiting at…