Typical Day

Some of our friends and family have asked what a typical day on the boat is like.  After we get up, have our coffee, read the paper, look at e-mail and or Facebook we sometimes have chores to do around the boat. Lately we have been washing  pollen off the boat, today there was not as much pollen on […]

On Anna Maria Island with friends

Here is the baby Great Blue Heron getting some breakfast.We didn’t take the boat out on the water today altought it was a nice day again this evening some of my childhood friends from when I was growing up in Puerto Rico are coming by for dinner. One o…

July 6th, 2009 Auke Bay and Tenakee

We’re on our way back to Juneau as I write this. We got a late start this afternoon, (more about that later), so we won’t get to Auke Bay Marina until the wee hours of July 6.We, (Sam Floyd, Phyllis, Will and I), left there on the afternoon of the …

July 2, 2009 Skagway to Juneau

This is the first of what I intend to be regular updates on our travels on our little ship, Arcadia 1. I promise! I will remember to take pictures and attach some as we go along.The purchase of Arcadia 1 was completed, on schedule on 20Jun09. Last Mond…

Oy Mark, Look no Lungs!

And for my Dad too…Stunning.

It’s a Massacoustics Thing…

I know I talk about the great music here in Key West but if you are a true music fan, Key West is a virtual nirvana!!! If you’re not in the mood for whatever music is playing wherever you are, you just need to walk to the next bar and find something yo…

St Petersburg to Anna Maria Island

The Channel Into Bimini Bay, Anna Maria Island from lower Tampa Bay.Gumbo in Slip at Galati MarinaA small heron (Green Heron?) waiting to pounce on a fish.Adult Great Blue Herons on their nestMother Great Blue Heron with baby, begging for food, on nest…

Isabela Stop and We Are Off

We are not allowed to visit islands other than San Cristobal without special permits which are extremely costly. However, all ports around the world will provide safe harbor for as vessel with a problem regardless of other rules. The Capitano del Pue…

Offshore Beaufort, SC to Norfolk, VA

We left Beaufort on an outgoing tide benefiting from a push down river that increased our speed a couple of knots. Shortly after leaving Port Royal Sound we encountered choppy seas, not quite the 1 foot long period swells that were forecasted, but als…

Happy Easter

A beautiful Kapok tree outside the Museum of Fine ArtsOne of the Kapok flowers.Some of the branches, all flowers no leaves.Carriage rides on the waterfrontI wasn’t a fan of Fernando Botero’s art, after seeing his exhibit, nothing has changed. Happy Eas…