March 31, 2010 – Santa Rosalia

I have photographed a couple of maps of Baja to help locate where we are. The first is an overview and the others are more localized.March 28 Puerto Mangles Well the wind blew all night and we expected to stay put at Isla Coronado, but around 8 am i…

Electronics Run on Smoke

After a very comfortable night at anchor, we arose to 15+ knot winds and clear skies. Because of several badly shoaled and shallow spots along the Georgia ICW, we planned to have a leisurely morning and a nice breakfast then leave around noon to take a…

March 2010 – Vero Beach – Ft. Pierce – Vero Beach Issue #20

                                  March 2010

20 Questions Part 3: Dangers at Sea

Location: Sarasota, Florida Coordinates: 27° 20.036′ N 82° 32.814′ W Grab your favorite snack and a beverage, this is a long one. 🙂 Sections and questions are in bold, hopefully making it easier for you to go right to your area of interest. Have you ever felt in danger? What about pirates? Do you carry […]

Another adventure begins!

After a hectic 3 weeks on Lake Macquarie, catching up with family and friends we departed the Lake with excess cargo!! Mum and Dad were on board for the 6hr trip to Port Stephens and after going through the Swansea Bridge on a 0800 hr opening we cruise…

The Weather is Here……

I just don’t even know where to start on this blog as we’ve had so much fun the past week or so….OK let’s start with the weather which has finally turned a magnificent corner. After a fairly regrettable winter of northers and cold, we’ve had pretty …

Departing for Points North

Vero Beach Municipal Marina, as always, is a very comfortable and convenient place to stay. With free bus transportation and a community that offers just about anything anyone could need, it’s easy to get comfortable and stay for a while. We schedule…

Exumas, Nassau and the Berry Islands

We are sitting in a lovely marina on Paradise Island across from New Providence Island and the city of Nassau. We had hoped to have time to explore Nassau on our way back to the States ….. and we have had more time than we expected. We arrived here o…

Captain’s Log Update March 20 -26, 2010

3/20- 26/2010
Bound for California
We left Cabo San Lucas about 7 pm and headed for San Diego.  Saturday night and Sunday were gorgeous.  The sun was brilliant, the winds were fair and warm, and the seas had only a low swell.   Mon…

Captain’s Log Update March 20 -26, 2010

3/20- 26/2010
Bound for California
We left Cabo San Lucas about 7 pm and headed for San Diego.  Saturday night and Sunday were gorgeous.  The sun was brilliant, the winds were fair and warm, and the seas had only a low swell.   Mon…