The ‘unofficial welcoming committee’ of the Galapagos Islands is the sea lion. Their playful inquisitive nature, speed, agility on land, and bark quickly make them an island favorite. Sea lions live in large colonies. Adult males known as bulls are the…
Bender’s Cruising Chronicles February 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010 Beaufort – Jacksonville – Palm Coast – New Smyrna – Merritt Island – Vero Beach
This is the month for hearts and flowers, the Super Bowl, President’s Day, Winter Olympics, American Heart Month, Black History Month…
The Story of Lonesome George
The small island of Pinta is located in the North of the Galapagos archipelago. One of the 11 remaining races of the Galapagos Giant Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus abingdoni) so important for the formation of Charles Darwin’s theory of …
Scenes from the Florida Keys
This is what the water in the Florida Keys looks like, it is very shallow and beautiful turquoise Take Time as we cruised through Miami with our Mast downThis guy landed on the roof of the boat and let me get up on our ladder to get his picture, I gue…
Galapagos Marine and Land Iguanas
Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus)Growing to approximately 3 ft in length these sea-going Iguanas exist only in the Galapagos Islands. Living on the black lava shore rocks they have developed into efficient swimmers feeding off shore mostly on mar…
How quick 3 weeks fly!!!
The weather has been fantastic for the entire three weeks. We had Barry and Lynette join us for the Cruising Divisions’ St Patricks Irish night at the Duckhole, down the southern end of the lake on our first weekend home. A good night wa…
Shakedown cruise: Nisqually Flats
From Eagle
Island, we made a short trip to another favorite anchorage at Nisqually
Flats. The anchorage is a bit unusual, but we love the mountain views in both
BAHAMAS TRIP May/June ’10 update 6/17/10
Courtesy: courtesy Please note: The most recent post is at the top. To view the trip in chronological order, scroll to the bottom and read by day. We welcome your comments. Just click on “leave a comment” at the head of the comments section. We love to hear from our […]
Panama City , Flcruising
Bayou Joe’s for lunch. Pulled boat right up to restaurant and got out.Took the boat out for an overnight trip to get away from the farm a bit. Cruised around St Andrews Bay, stopped at Shell Island, ate lunch at Bayou Joes and then dropped anchor at Sm…
Panama City , Flcruising
Bayou Joe’s for lunch. Pulled boat right up to restaurant and got out.Took the boat out for an overnight trip to get away from the farm a bit. Cruised around St Andrews Bay, stopped at Shell Island, ate lunch at Bayou Joes and then dropped anchor at Sm…