Betsy Speaks: Our goal for today was to pull into our home at Topsail Beach at approximately 2:00, and we had mentioned that on the blog a few days ago. That post prompted an e-mail from someone who has been following our blog right from the very begin…
03-07-10 Southport, NC
[Rick] We moved on from Dock Holiday’s Marina and headed for Southport, a trip of 40 miles. The weather was very nice with the temperature in the mid 60’s. There was very little wind. We arrived at the Sunset Beach pontoon bridge and were very surp…
Most Unhelpful Home Depot Guy Ever
As the day goes on, Brock finally gives up on the heat exchanger thing and sends me to Home Depot instead. You gotta love that ~ when he reaches the end of his rope with it, he thinks I’m going to do better? I’ll try to take it as a compliment, I guess…
HT Days 5 and 6
Mostly a bunch of grinding and sanding and layers of fiberglass, along with sweating of copper joints on the heat exchanger and other miscellaneous mechanical stuff. I realized last weekend that this was a bigger project than I had originally anticipat…
03-06-10 Myrtle Beach – Dock Holidays Marina
[Rick] Loyal readers will note there was no blog yesterday. That is because we did absolutely nothing. Betsy read her book (it is amazing how much she is reading since she got her eyes fixed). I played on the computer and did a little cleaning up. …
03-04-10 Myrtle Beach – Dock Holidays
Betsy Speaks: We really have nothing to say today, but since I did get an e-mail from a friend saying he was already fearing withdrawal when our postings stopped in a couple of weeks, we decided we’d at least do a short post. We did travel today, a…
The Exumas
We are tucked away in The Marina at Emerald Bay on Great Exuma, enjoying relatively quiet waters following yet another cold front coming across from Florida. From what we understand, the number of fronts this year has been extraordinary. We have had ab…
Florida Manatees – Did you know?
Manatees have inhabited the shallow bays and rivers of Florida for 15 million years. These aquatic mammals are sometimes called “sea cows” and have been mistaken for mermaids by sailors who have (obviously) been out to sea far too long. Adults av…
February 2010
This month we had our first guests from the US, Hal and Claudia Rosengard. We backtracked to Bequia, Mayreau, and the Tobago Keys to share some of our favorite spots. The weather was very cooroperative and we had a great time. They kindly brought…
March 1, 2010
Once again, I’ve skipped a week..or so….but here we are in sunny FL—no, make that snowy Illinois. Plans do change, but I digress…
Jen, Chris, Casey and Rebecca sadly drove off to Ft. Lauderdale on that Monday, and left our car in the …