Tag Archives | Dashew Offshore

FPB 70: New Build Updates

Berthon now has a fortnightly update on their website for all things FPB construction… Be sure to check out all …Read More

Why We Cruise: Stanley Creighton’s Photography – Posted by Sarah

We spend a lot of time focusing on the importance of “where” when it comes to cruising. But we often …Read More

Spring Is Here And Flying Fast – Update On All Things FPB

Spring is here and with it the promise of things to be discovered, adventures to be enjoyed, and new lands …Read More

FPB Video: FPB 78-1 Cochise Experiments With Heaving-To in the Gulf Stream

FPB 78-1 Cochise is currently headed up to North Carolina for some boat projects. A few days ago, Steve and …Read More

FPB 78-2 Video: Come Aboard Grey Wolf II For Sea Trials

We’ve just received some video of FPB 78-2 running through her paces during sea trials. The owners and Circa team …Read More

Key West – Where It Happens

We normally avoid tourist destinations, dislike docks, and prefer the quiet of isolated anchorages. But we will make an exception …Read More

FPB 78-1 Cochise: Our Dream Machine and the Conundrum of Where-To

FPB 78-1 Cochise presents us with a conundrum to which there is no easy answer. It is a question we …Read More

Ultimate Rechargeable LED Flashlight

You are looking at the current champion in the ongoing best yachting flashlight contest. Our first reaction when we unpacked …Read More

FPB 78-1 Cochise: How The Window Film Is Working

We have finally installed sun-blocking window film on FPB 78-1 Cochise, and the results are excellent. Cochise was launched without …Read More

FPB 78: Nordhavn Owners Take a Ride and Report

James and Jennifer Hamilton, who have circumnavigated in their Nordhavn 52 Dirona, recently took a ride aboard Cochise and wrote a fascinating report …Read More