Trolling for fish is fun and quite often we are successful in hauling in a good catch. A week ago, while coming back to the San Blas islands from a shopping trip at the El Rey supermarket in Sabanitas, Benno lost our lure, a “Blue Bomber” and the …
Tag Archives | Diesel Duck
Puppet Show
I am going with Linda this morning to experience an Indian Ladies Hair Salon. Linda had told Jose, the marina manager, that she needed to find someplace to get her hair cut and I made some kind of noise about my hair so we both have appointments this m…
Jaipur Carpet Showroom and the City Palace
One of our stops was a carpet show room and though the rugs were very lovely and tempting, Randal is holding out for a “Turkish rug” from Turkey. Linda, Randal and I had warned Sandeep and our guide that we weren’t in the market and we warned the…

Filming in the San Blas Islands
Toward the end of February our friends, Sheryl and Paul Shard, the film makers of the well known television series “Distant Shores” arrived for a visit onboard Diesel Duck here in the San Blas Islands. We were looking forward to seeing them again….
Amber Fort part 2
The Fort had its own temple and Linda, our guide, and I went inside though it was quite crowded and hard to see what was happening in the chamber in the front of the room. Before going in we had to remove shoes and belts to avoid bringing leather into …
Sugarcane Candy
We saw tons, literally tons, of sugar cane carried on every kind of vehicle imaginable. Much of it was going to a huge processing plant. But we also saw small family operations and Randal asked Sandeep if we could stop and see one. Always willing to ob…
Maharaja Public Library and a few other things: Jaipur, Rajasthan
From Delhi we drove forever to get to Jaipur in Rajasthan. Jaipur and Pushker were on Linda’s “must see” list. This is the information provided by Nayeem, our tour operator.
“Jaipur, first planned city in India was founded 18 November 1727 by M…
Judah Hyam Synagogue in Delhi
Hi All,
I’ve written about the Taj Mahal and the Ganges, probably the two most recognizable names one associates with India other than Gandhi. Now I’m going to just write about the "not famous stops" of our trip, the visit to…
Haridwar Mountain Temple
The temple on the top of the mountain over looking Haridwar
Our view from the cable car.
Another view of the river.
Most people walked but we just didn’t have the time: we had a 6 hour drive back to Delhi.
We had to remove our shoes…the floor …
Haridwar Festival
Randal opted out, but Linda, Michael and I went off to watch the nightly ceremony along the Ganges in Haridwar. Sandeep told us that twice each year, villagers come to Haridwar to collect water to “walk” back to their villages. Some of the water is…