There is no shortage of firewood and dry palm tree leaves to set up a fire on this little island. Our friends are busy with the preparations to build a BBQ pit. (View Post…)
Tag Archives | Diesel Duck

Guess who is coming for dinner?
It is blowing a good steady 20 knots and a little chop runs through the channels of the San Blas islands. But on the lee side of a beautiful, tiny island with a sugary white sand beach we spy two young Swiss cruisers attending an open fire. They are …
Ayurvedic sciatica treatment
Hi All,
One must be open to new experiences………
My sciatica started in again and I couldn’t walk very far or even stand up long by evening time. At the Crabtree’s Sunday lunch Louisa recommended the Kottakkal Arya V…
Kerela Kaleidoscope dance medley
7:26 local time
Hi Everyone,
Yesterday our friend Nasir picked us up from our dock and took us across Kochi Bay to the Bolghatty Marina to see about relocating there. We will move Friday morning. Afterwards, Randal and I first had to…
Lunch with Friends
9:35 Local time
Hi All,
Yesterday, Tuesday, we went to visit the marina on Bolgatty Island and we will move there tomorrow, Thursday morning at high tide. Randal really misses the interaction with other cruisers. I miss our friends w…
Cochin Synagogue and Sarah Cohen
Hi All,
I visited Sarah Cohen yesterday and the Cochin Synagogue today. Randal stayed on the boat and supervised some men who were washing the pounds of salt from DoraMac.
Cochin Synagogue Jew Town
The Synagogue is locat…
Musings from Randal
Although India seems vast the land here in Cochin, or at least the street we are on, is precious. Very little is allotted for human traffic much less passage of automobiles, motorcycles, tuk tuks, trucks, and everything else you can imagine. This area …

PLEASE read this first!
A speech from the throne: (just kidding) In June of this year I started this blog and the first entry was our arrival in Curacao from the outer islands of Venezuela. I’ll try to stay current with my entries, but Benno and I have since recaptured the …
Mud Baths
The mud baths were incredible. You walk up to an old volcano crater, step down into the mud and the experience begins. (View Post…)