Tag Archives | Diesel Duck

Visa Run to Greece

Hi All,
   We biked off for lunch in Turunc, a town about an hour from the marina.  We’d biked through on other trips and stopped once for gas since it’s the only station between Marmaris and Bozburun.  We decided to mak…

Dog bite

  My sister and Randal’s brother-in-law asked about the dog bite.  I thought I’d mentioned it but guess I didn’t.  So here is the short story…
Leaving Kalkan 3 dogs chased the bike and one bit Randal.  It see…

Putterin' in Petersburg

Since our “adventure” passage from Seattle to Wrangell in January, MV DavidEllis has spent 4 months on the hard getting sandblasted and new bottom coatings, and another 5 weeks at the dock in Wrangell putting things back together; we are finally un…

Space Savers

Most of the time Diesel Duck is swinging under anchor, so there is no need for a lot of fenders hanging over the side. In order not to clutter up the topside of the boat, we deflate our fenders and store them below. But even when deflated, they take …

Tranquility at Lake Sylvia

Many, many times have we visited Ft. Lauderdale, Florida by plane, car and by boat. If you come here to soak up some sunshine there is a seven mile beach lined with hotels of every kind. If you come by boat, you’ll be astounded by the 165 miles of wa…

Crabapalooza 2011 – June 12 to June 19

In 2010, we hung around the Ketchikan area for about a month before rendezvousing with our friends Dorothy & Dave Nagle and their vessel the DavidEllis. During that time we explored a number of areas and identified some worth repeating. Specificall…

Kalkan, the Pasha Hotel and dinner at Coast

  The adventure continues….
Billy and Esra hopped on their motorbike and took us to meet Mark and Imelda who own the Pasha Hotel. We relaxed, drank a bit and waited for the one vacant apartment to be readied for us. Billy, Esra, Mark …

Kalkan, Patara and Serendipity part 1

Hi All
Serendipity of Travel : Kalkan and Patara Unplanned
If you trust to serendipity rather than to your original plan, sometimes it works out better!

This email would have been called Kas by Motorbike because that’s what we intended to do. Go to …

Tourist Trap

Key West is a tourist trap, but a nice one! Benno and I had never been here before, so after we checked into the country which turned out to be a quick and easy process thanks to the friendly officials at the airport, we played tourists and mingled wi…

HMS York

Not being superstitious to start a voyage on a Friday, Diesel Duck motored out of the Governor’s Creek on the morning of June 10th, heading for Key West, Florida, USA. The weather prognosis was good and we were able to use the jib sail in addition to …