Tag Archives | Diesel Duck

Biking to Bozburun

  Weather in Turkey can change on a dime!  We had a lovely sunny morning, early evening thunder storms and hail, and it was a three blanket night.  Sunday our neighbor had to rescue my flannel pants which had blown off the line.  Sh…

June 11 – Photos at Last!

Since we have been moving north pretty relentlessly, we haven’t had time to take many photos. To liven up the text posts I have done to date, here are some photos. A panorama of about 150 degrees taken in Gorge Harbor. As the dark clouds hint, a ra…

June 3 to June 9 – Ketchikan or Bust

A little catching up to do as we haven’t been anywhere with Internet since we left Campbell River. Below is a chronology of the trip since Campbell River. Date Activity Mileage Position June 3 …

Checking Things Off The List

The last three have been beautiful sunny days, so we’ve been working outside:  up the mast to re-mount one of the VHF antennas as well as the anemometer (wind speed & direction); pilothouse roof to mount the other VHF antenna and the AIS antenna; lace…

Motorbike adventure

Over the mountains and through the woods…to a dead end….
Sunday we went off for a day trip from Marmaris to Bozburun but didn’t quite make it to Bozburun as you can probably gather from the title. We had a lovely day getting ourselves lost betwee…

We are new grandparents again!

Wonderful news reached us this morning. Our second grandchild, Annalisa Lilly was born this morning. Welcome to the world! We are thrilled and can’t wait to meet her. Mom and child are well and are resting.  (Continued…)

Boatwork & Sunshine


Curious, but shy iguana

Iguanas run around wild on the lawns here on the island. This big fellow hung around on the dock where we tied up our dinghy. Meanwhile some of his cousins had claimed one of the sailboats, making it their lounge pad. If you chase them, be surprise…

June 1 – Campbell River

We are tied up in Discovery Harbour Marina in Campbell River after a short passage from Gorge Harbour.  Our next challenge is Seymour Narrows about 9 miles upstream from Campbell River. Typical max ebb or flood current is 10 to 15 knots. By a sl…

Old Town Marmaris

It is definitely a different season here at the Marina.  Lots of boats have left their winter hardstands and are in the water or off cruising.  The morning radio cruisers net that took too long now is over in about 10 minutes.  I guess …