Tag Archives | Marine Trader

Hangin’ In Bimini

Let’s play a little “where’s Waldo” err… where’s Beach House? This weather pattern is driving us crazy and keeping us at the dock in Bimini. Last night it blew pretty much all night with gusts to at least 30 or more. Another one-day window will open …


There is some beauty to living on the 9th floor of an accessible apartment building. We woke to a very pretty looking neighborhood this morning. I guess its only really pretty if you gt to look at it and not have to drive in it.  (Continued…)

One Step Forward, Two Back


Finally Bahamas Bound

After weeks of patiently waiting, all signs were a go. We have been disappointed before, but this time the signs were there, the planets aligned and Neptune was napping. The alarm went off at 5:30 AM and we fired up the computer and checked all four re…

The Waiting Game

We are often asked what one piece of advise we would pass on to those planning a transit that is weather dependent. My answer is always three words…Wait, wait and wait. Well, our resolve has really been tested waiting for a good window to cross over …

Family Day in Ontario

Family Day in Ontario (Continued…)

Happy Valentines Day Y'all

Last year I was delivered coffee in bed and two cards. So far this morning I have delivered Al coffee, a card and a heart shaped box of turtles. The sun is shining and if the weather holds I will take us off the compound for a lunch date. Al’s first …

Special Offer From Bluewater Books And Charts

During the Miami Boat Show, Bluewater Books and Charts is offering The Great Book Of Anchorages, Norfolk to Key West, including the St. Johns River, at a special Boat Show Discount of 15%! You can get your copy by ordering here. Our publication is the …

Blackwater Sound To Key Biscayne

We fell asleep to the muffled tunes from our one-man band at the Tiki Bar ashore. It was not at all unpleasant and kind of added to the already peaceful tranquility of our anchorage for the night. If you can’t have Jimmy Buffet sing you to sleep, this …

White Out
