The seminar
schedule for Trawler Fest in Anacortes,
WA has been posted. This year we’ll be presenting on Thursday May 20th at
10:30am on our experience in purchasing, configuring and building a Nordhavn
We attended our first Trawler Fes…
The seminar
schedule for Trawler Fest in Anacortes,
WA has been posted. This year we’ll be presenting on Thursday May 20th at
10:30am on our experience in purchasing, configuring and building a Nordhavn
We attended our first Trawler Fes…
said first mate Justin huggins as I took over the helm for my 2am-6am watch. he was’t wrong. We do four hour watches, and there are four of us, so it ends up beig fair. My next one therefore will be 6-10 pm. It’s 2.30am now and Dave has just joined me….
On the 17th, we anchored outside of Loreto and Earl and I took a quick run to Pescador, the local grocery store. Since Earl was involved, it was quick- a sprint through the store. The man really does not understand the concept of shopping. We did ma…
Dave caught a seagull with a fishing rodI saw a whaleIt’s getting hotterOur turnips rottedWe can make only 6.7 knots, conserving fuel, with weather on the nose.I still have some mangoes left.We saw another ship. they talked to us on the radio…
3am, 22/04/10.We are now exactly halfway. The hydraulic alternator has made my cabin sound like a factory that tests chainsaws.We have entered the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone), and there there are squalls that make the rada…
We have now gone 1250 miles, with another 1450 to go until we reach Nuku Hiva, Marquesas. The problem is that the figure we were given for the fuel consumption of the generator of 0.8 gallons per hour has turned out to be wildly inaccurate. We hav…
Weather has been downright crappy since we got back to Japan. I don’t know why, but we were expecting a bit of balmy weather and sunny skies. People here tell us that “normally”, March and April are fairly nice months with moderate te…
Since Travis is due to (finally) make the trip down to visit us we decide to take the boat to meet him in Faro. It is only a short passage and a very enjoyable trip up the Ria Formosa. The Estuary has an enormous variety of natural hab…
The crew of Emily Grace is way out there! As in we are mighty close to the one place on Earth that is the farthest away from any land. I googled that fact before we left the Galapagos and, sure enough, it’s a spot in the Pacific Ocean. The actual sp…
What bliss to finally have a mooring without the swell! Calm at last and a lovely marina, surrounded by smart bars and restaurants. Unfortunately, it is a bit “Brit”ish but the town is immediately adjacent and a delight to wander through.&n…
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