Dylan is getting some dry patches from the saltwater, despite a good fresh water rinse and weekly bath with medicated shampoo. Today, we took a break from the beach and just had a long walk. Bad news, no beach time. Good news, no rinse off or ear drops…
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Beach Fun
Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora love the beach – each in their own way.
Beach Treasure
Trips to the beach always include several toys for retrieving. But nothing beats found treasure. Dee Dee and Dora found a hunk of plastic floating in the water. Dora even swam out to retrieve it – alas, Mom had her camera in her pocket. A hunk of found…
Lucky Dogs
The Red Head crew woke to rain but no wind. By 9:00 am the rain had stopped and Mom and Dad decided to take the crew to the beach.Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora sure are lucky dogs!
A few days ago, the Red Head crew started watching an approaching storm. It was looking like lots of rain and some high winds. Yesterday boats started pouring into the marina as every bit of dock space was filled with people looking for safe harbor.
By late morning the storm clouds gathered off the marina. By lunch the wind and rains had come. Alas, it was not to be a beach day today. Probably not tomorrow either… ☹️
Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora are hunkered down until the storm passes.
Getting Braver?
Dora still isn’t convinced about this swimming stuff. She really prefers to have her paws firmly on the terra firma.
But Dora also likes fighting with Dee Dee for the bumper.
How far will she go?
She still doesn’t want four paws off the ground.
However, Dora is getting braver, pushing a bit further into the surf. She may end up a swimmer after all.
The Ultimate Prize
Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora vie for the bumper.
What a Brat
Dee Dee swims the distance to retrieve the bumper.Dora waits to waylay Dee Dee.Then Dora makes the steal.What a little brat…