It’s been nearly a month since the Red Head crew has had a blog entry. It hasn’t been laziness – this hardworking crew is always busy. Just checkout this schedule:
6:30 am: Wake Mom and Dad so they can feed us.
Rest of morning: Chew toys, fight with siblings, and ensure we are not attacked by pirates.
Lunch: Beg for food from dad’s plate.
Early afternoon: Rest up from frantic morning.
3:00 pm: Go to dog park.
4:30: Kid’s dinner.
Evening: Hope for more food from dad’s dinner and wait for final bedtime treat.
The problem has been Mom. She’s really been loafing on the job. Before New Years she flew off for five days to help celebrate Grandma’s 90th birthday at a big bash. That’s only about 13 in dog years, not really all that impressive. The kids had to count on Dad to take care of them – it was a little scary but they made it.
Then Cousin Leslie and her husband, Chris, came to spend a few days with the crew after their camping trip to a Dry Tortugas. Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora want to point out that they were perfectly behaved at all times.
Well, mostly…
After a few days sick in bed with a cold, Mom is finally back with the program. The crew has even seen her placing some pretty big orders on Chewy. Bahamas here we come!
Dylan, Dee Dee, and Dora hope you are having a great 2019!