The kids have finally regained their rightful position at the center of the universe. At least of our universe. We are back on a schedule of daily romps on the beach, chasing birds, and running in the field.On New Years weekend, Will, who wo…
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Aw Shucks, you know that place you go on the internet to find out about anything, released a review of ActiveCaptain today. You can find it here:…
Taking Pause
When I was 4 or 5 my family went to the World’s Fair in New York. I was young enough that I do not remember much but there are a couple of things that I clearly recall. One was the giant green Sinclair dinosaur and the wax replica they gave me. The oth…
David Leslie Hillhouse
March 13, 1924 – December 20, 2010I miss your quiet presence, wry humor, and loving support. I thank you for giving me a love of music and learning, the strength and confidence to follow my beliefs, and a taste for adventure.I love you, Da…
Dark & Stormy…
It was definitely a dark & stormy night. We knew some wind was coming and it had been raining off and on. At 3:30 am we awoke to a lot of movement and 40 knot winds. We got up to add some more lines and fenders and found that 1/3rd of one of the sp…
Today was our first holiday on the boat. In the past we’ve either been at our land-based home in Maine or at my folks. We had to settle on a turkey breast rather than the whole bird as that’s all that would fit in the stove. Still the meal was as good …
Family Emergencies & Cruising…
While cruising, all issues are amplified. Run out of milk? At our land home – no problem. On the boat, it requires planning and coordination. So what happens when a family emergency strikes?We were needed for an extended family emergency. The call occu…
Hunkering Down
One of the lessons that can take awhile for us humans to learn is that we can’t have it all – despite what that perfume commercial from the 70’s tried to tell us. Oh come on, you remember “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan…” Hated that…