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Home Delivery
We arrived in SoBe (South Beach) last week on a Monday and here we are a week later on a Tuesday and we are still here. After being in a third world country (Bahamas) for 10 weeks, I guess we got caught up in the…
South Beach
It’s everything and then more. First, there is Lincoln Avenue Mall. This is a great place to to see the next fashions coming out of Miami. Lincoln Avenue Mall is about 5 or 6 blocks long runn…
M/V Tatoosh
What is 303 feet long and 46 feet wide, has a big brother 416 feet long, has a helicopter, a 40 foot custom power boat, a 40 foot sailboat, a 6 foot deep swimming pool just to name a few and is owned by Paul Allen, the co-fou…
20,000 Pasty White Kids
Upper Photo – One of hundreds of Man-of-Wars we saw as we crossed the Straits of Florida. Saturday was the weather window we needed to make the crossover. Our plans were to go back to Miami …
Flip A Coin
It was December 18th that we crossed over from Miami to the Bahamas. Since that crossing we have had a great time. We have met some really good people, both locals and cruisers. Some have become new friends th…
Fuel Filter
Big Run is a long range cruiser that can carry 700 gallons of fuel in 2 tanks. As you use fuel and the fuel levels drop in the tank, and if you are on rough seas, the fuel has more of a chance to scour the walls of the ta…
Boo Boo Hill
On our way north back through the Exumas, we stopped once again at Warderick Wells. On our first trip to Warderick Wells, Sharon and I never made it to Boo Boo Hill, which is a special place for…