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To Petersburg

It was overcast but calm as we travelled in Sumner Strait to the southern entrance of Wrangell Narrows. We had timed our passage of the narrows so that we had a following tide entering and then, as it changed, a following tide exiting to Petersburg. …

Wrangell Museum

Wrangell had an exceptional museum, the best we have seen. Here is the world’s largest salmon, 126 pounds, caught nearby. (View Post…)

Our New Grilling (Fish Filleting)Table

Irwin and Debbie helped me get this up. Oh my, does it look spectacular. Now…for the fish! (View Post…)

Farwell to Irwin and Mary Kirsch – Great cruising mates!

Today was a sad day for us. Irwin and Mary were headed home. For three weeks we had so many laughs and great times together. The four of us get along so well together; it was an exceptional experience. We work so very well together on the boat, taki…

Interior Long House Carving

The carving inside the long house was amazing. And, it was all done with traditional, non-metal tools. (View Post…)

Tug in Tow in Grenville Channel

On the way to Prince Rupert, there was a lot of traffic in Grenville Channel. Here is a tug in tow, pulling a barge. (View Post…)

The record pop

The scoring system is: (Continued…)

A New World's Record!!!

We just landed in Prince Rupert and I have posted a number of new entries. I will post more photos as soon as I can, including the evidence of the new worlds record. (Continued…)

Cultural Trail

Mary and Debbie hiked a cultural trail in Kitimat. It currently ends at this Gazebo where Mary is at, looking out over the bay. (View Post…)

A winner in my mind only

I was sure I had set a new Jiffy Pop record. Unfortunately, there were over 60 kernels left. :-( (View Post…)