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More Fibre

I seem to be on a roll of finishing projects. I really need to focus on getting some Christmas gifts done. I need practice with Pom Poms. These sweet booties are a fast and easy knit.  (Continued…)

"TINK'ing Around of another kind

Oh my gosh I made a mistake. No worries I’ll just “tink” it back.  (Continued…)


Second shot because I don’t know how to add 2 photos in one blog post, and because although Bridget did not want to model the hat, she did, in fact want to be part of the shoot. (View Post…)


This morning I completed the baby flower hat I started a couple days ago. It maskes my ovaries twitch. Its hard to find a creative spot on an old boat to display knitted creations but I found a few spots just for fun.  (Continued…)

"TINK'ing Around

Today I finally got to take TINK on her maiden voyage. The marina was nice and calm so we dicided today would be the day to finally launch my new transportation. I am able to manage the paddle well. Grasping it uses larger motor skills and range of…

High Fibre Content

Al has been very happy with his battery out come and fixes. He is painting the box he made that holds our new flat screen TV while we are under way. It is quite a smart design, the TV folds up into it so it is safe and stowed out of harms way. We a…

How High is the Water Momma?

We’ve had soooo much rain in the last 48 hours the boat is very high off the dock. Our step stool is a stretch even for my long legs. We keep getting wee breaks from the rain but it is still very windy. Alistair is still fussing on about amps, alter…

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

We are in for a rainy windy weekend. Hopefully this will help raise the water level in Lake Okeechobee.  (Continued…)

Finished Object

New Pics in Picasa Album. (Continued…)

Matanza's Inlet

On our way home from South Carolina we spent a day with our friends Pete & Pokey (PRIM) and had a great lunch at Matanza’s Inlet.  (Continued…)