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Trent Severn Peterborough Lift – truly amazing!

Two nights at the Peterborough Marina were delightful. Muddy Waters, Inconceivable, Seamoore, Jeremiah, Dream Catcher, Bade Boomer, Sea and Sand and Pilgrim were all in the Marina with us. We have been meeting up with many of the Loopers we have known …

Trent Severn Hastings, On – on the wall again…Oh yes, we were on the wall again!

The weather has been phenomenal in Ontario. To date, the sun has shined most days and the temperature has been moderate. As we continue northward, we can only hope for more of this fine weather.As you can see, Buddy is having a great time on the Great …

Cambellford – on the wall again….yes we are on the wall again….

Six locks today and 31 miles to Hastings, ON. The Trent Severn is a route that leads boats through lock after lock. Often the lock is open and ready for us to enter. Instead of using the VHF Radio for communication, the telephone is the mode of convers…

Frankford, Ontario – on the lock.

We crossed under the Gateway to the Trent Severn, the bridge over the River that leads to the supermarket. Next we crossed under the railroad bridge.  Almost immediately thereafter, we came onto Lock #1. No response on the radio or three blasts of…

Trenton, ON. Bad news on internet connections……

After reviewing Verizon’s Canadian options and talking to other Loopers, we realize we will not be able to post to the blog except where we can find wifi from a marina or other source. Therefore we won’t be able to post to the blog very often when in C…

Kingston, ON – we are finally in Canada!

Our cruise from Clayton, NY to Kingston, ON was really pleasant. We cruised with Kate and Greg on Grianan and it was one of those days you pinch yourself and wonder how you ever got so lucky! What a pleasure!The Wolfe Creek Cut allowed us to cruise bet…

Clayton, NY – Antique Boat Museum – wow!

We left Oswego to cross Eastern Lake Ontario. The water was flat and the day was incredible. We arrived in Clayton, NY and tied up at the City Dock. Our purpose was to visit the Antique Boat Museum, located almost immediately adjacent to the City …

Oswego, NY – on Lake Ontario

Today was a bit of a grueling day. We started later than we would have liked as we waited for a part for Grainan’s stern thruster.  Stern thrusters give sideways propulsion.  Bow thrusters give sideways propulsion as well. Grainan has both an…

Erie Canal, Brewerton, NY, EssKay Yard….busy, busy!

We left Sylvan Beach, NY ready to cross Lake Oneida. Nice day with thunderstorms in the afternoon, some severe. Better get off the dock and be on our way – with The Old Grouch from Toronto.  We arrived in Brewerton and tied to the dock at the EssK…

Erie Canal Working Boats – maybe I took too many pictures…..

This simple, small tug is used daily on the Erie Canal. The operator told me it was built in 1934 …..and still running like a top!Rear view of this unusual tug. Named Governor Roosevelt – from 1928.Side view.Looks like a great boat for a tour of the …