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Good Riddance, Mississippi River

At dawn (if you could call it that) on September 25th, after an almost sleepless night, we didn’t have any really good options.  The overnight rain had now changed to thunderstorms, which were predicted to last throughout the day.  If we sa…

Good Riddance, Mississippi River

At dawn (if you could call it that) on September 25th, after an almost sleepless night, we didn’t have any really good options.  The overnight rain had now changed to thunderstorms, which were predicted to last throughout the day.  If we sa…

Hello, Mississippi River

As if as an omen of things to come, thick fog greeted us when we awoke on September 20th, the day we were to enter the mighty Mississippi River.The day before, when we completed our trip down the Illinois River and pulled in to Grafton Harbor, we could…

Hello, Mississippi River

As if as an omen of things to come, thick fog greeted us when we awoke on September 20th, the day we were to enter the mighty Mississippi River.The day before, when we completed our trip down the Illinois River and pulled in to Grafton Harbor, we could…

Goodbye, Lake Michigan

South Haven, MI, was a picturesque place to sit out the high winds and waves on Lake Michigan, and this we did for five days, each day walking down to the inlet to assess the conditions. Finally, on September 6th, we decided to make the short run to B…

Goodbye, Lake Michigan

South Haven, MI, was a picturesque place to sit out the high winds and waves on Lake Michigan, and this we did for five days, each day walking down to the inlet to assess the conditions. Finally, on September 6th, we decided to make the short run to B…

The Big, Bad Lakes

The next phase of our journey had been much anticipated, but not without a fair amount of trepidation. It would involve cruising through the open waters of the Great Lakes, including Lakes Huron and Michigan, for the next three and a half weeks. Durin…

The Big, Bad Lakes

The next phase of our journey had been much anticipated, but not without a fair amount of trepidation. It would involve cruising through the open waters of the Great Lakes, including Lakes Huron and Michigan, for the next three and a half weeks. Durin…

Georgian Bay and the North Channel

On Tuesday, July 19th, we entered Georgian Bay, located in the northeast corner of Lake Huron and such a large body of water that it’s sometimes referred to as the sixth Great Lake. We had heard such wonderful things about this leg of the Great Loop…

Georgian Bay and the North Channel

On Tuesday, July 19th, we entered Georgian Bay, located in the northeast corner of Lake Huron and such a large body of water that it’s sometimes referred to as the sixth Great Lake. We had heard such wonderful things about this leg of the Great Loop…