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Bored On a Boat

It rained all day Thursday.  Today, it’s forecast to rain and snow here in Manasquan Inlet, NJ plus it’s blowing like stink.Our Home Cheapo weather station in the pic above is showing a 26 MPH gust, a peak of 28 and an average of 19. &nb…

marinas and their amenities- or lack there of

As we find ourselves actually moving, ok, occassionally moving, I have come to realize how important a good shower is among other things. My idea of a good marina at this point is one that has floating docks, a nice restroom with a shower that actually…

How many fuel polishing systems is too many?

We’re stuck in Manasquan NJ waiting for a weather window.  We’ve set an arbitrary limit of wind less than 15 knots and, since we’re running down the Jersey shore, any direction out of the west to minimize waves.  Check this out.  This is…

The boat renaming ceremony worked, but you can’t fix stupid

It was the dawn of a new day.   There’s that dumb phrase again.We had done all we could do.  We installed two sets of Filter Bosses, performed a boat renaming ceremony, and the weather forecast was good.  The stars were all in align…

Boat Renaming Ceremony

If you recall my previous post, I wrote about the new Filter Boss systems working great, but filling full of water.   I removed over five gallons of water from our fuel tanks before giving up for the night.  Yesterday morning, I pulled t…

Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

I finished the install of the two sets of Filter Bosses yesterday.  I had completed everything but connecting the wiring and selecting a place to drill the helm station full of holes to mount the remote switches.   After looking all…

Filter Bosses- The Wires Are Run

It was the dawn of a new day.   What does that mean, exactly?  Every dawn is the dawn of a new day.Whatever.  It was the dawn of a new day, and time to tackle the impossible job of running bunches of wires from the engine room to th…

Filter Bosses- Almost Done

Yeah, I know, it seems like this project is taking forever.  But consider my day.First, I’m sleeping in later than normal now that I don’t work.  I got up at 7:30 today.  Then I have to take a shower (8 AM) and drink coffee and look at t…

It’s Too Wavey To Work

I woke up early this morning to the sound of the pitter patter of rain starting to fall on the deck.  The forecast today is for heavy rain and lots of wind.   I walked upstairs to find this.Gertie has been getting off the boat at night a…

The Filter Boss Is On The Wall

I finished installing new 3/8″ fuel lines today.   A problem that I ran into is that the Ford Lehman 120 has a 5/16″ connection.   A trip to True Value took care of that.   There’s a smart young guy there who knows what he…