Sometimes I like to set goals for myself. Yesterday’s goal was to do absolutely nothing. I’m proud to say I achieved my goal.Today was a different story. The first Filter Boss arrived today. Pam and I were walking the dogs by the harbor …
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Should We Do A Boat Renaming Ceremony?
Sailors are a superstitious lot. Not me, though. Maybe I should be.Our boat’s original name was Tiner Liner, named after the first owner, Mr. Tiner. The second owner changed it to Tinee Liner. We changed it to Drift Away, withou…
If The Kitten Wants To Use Your Tail As a Pillow, part II
It seems that Gertie really enjoys tormenting the dogs. LOL!We went for a bike ride yesterday, along the Bay Shore Trail. We stopped a couple of miles into the trail to hunt sea glass for Pam’s jewelry making. We were only there …
Bought Boat Bikes
We’re stuck here at Atlantic Highlands Municipal Marina for another week or so, awaiting the Filter Bosses I ordered yesterday. Tuesday, Pam went out to run a few errands in town and came back with this.She walked all the way out …
If The Kitten Wants To Use Your Tail As a Pillow…
We’re sitting here at Atlantic Highlands Municipal Marina behind Sandy Hook, New Jersey waiting for a new shipment of Racor filters and a weather window. The marina is behind a long breakwater that protects it from the west and north, and l…
Fuel, fuel, or fuel
Pam and I rented a car and drove from the Atlantic Highlands in New Jersey to Annapolis Maryland. We arrived at 3:45 at the doggie hotel, which closed at 4 PM seems that we are always cutting things close nowadays. We enjoyed a fantas…
Getting the Snot Kicked Out Of Us
We left Liberty Landing Marina with the promise of a good day. The weather forecast was for 10 knots out of the NE, seas 2 to 3 feet. As we left the Narrows and passed under the Verrazano Bridge, we clogged one of the 2 micron Ra…
Shake Down Cruise? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Shake Down Cruise.
Well, we’re still sitting here in Liberty Landing Marina. We’ve been here since Tuesday night, and we’ll stay here again tonight. We ordered some parts that are due in today.I haven’t addressed the engines yet. I’m pretty confident th…
Oh the troubles I’ve seen
So, I (Pam) don’t often write on the blog, but after yesterday and then last night I felt I should add my thoughts to this adventure. We had a wonderful run from Newburg to Liberty Landing Marina yesterday(Okay, one glitch at the marina, but I get ahea…
Heading South- the Day in Pictures
Yesterday was a good day after taking Sunday off to recuperate from the wedding. We took on 300 gallons of fuel at the Castleton Boat Club.Pam pumped fuel while I washed up the morning’s dishes. Hmmm… a little role rever…