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Getting Seatowed

This boat has been running perfectly.   That is, until we cast off our dock lines to begin our long awaited cruise.Thanks to the wonders of our wireless Verizon hot spot, I can actually update our blog from the middle of Long Island Sound.

It’s Always Something…

Gilda Radner wrote an inspirational book called “It’s Always Something”.   Although Gilda was dealing with more serious issues than broken boat things, I think “It’s Always Something” is a good way to describe owning an old boat.   …

The Clam Pearl

Pam and I went out to dinner about a year ago, to the Mansion Clam House in Westport CT. She had trout, I had linguine with fresh clams, some chopped and some in the shell. I bit down on something hard. I pulled it out and looked at it. It was a pearl….

Dirty Gertie Jumps Ship

Dirty Gertie is a six month old kitten.   She’s named Dirty Gertie because she’s an orange tabby with black markings on her ears, top of her head, and backside like she crawled under a leaky old car.  Since she moved aboard a few months …

Getting Unplugged?

For  many years, I was a news hound.  I’d read the local papers, watch the TV news mornings and evenings, and research issues on the internet.  I was very involved in my local community.   As a small town businessman, I saw the…

You’re BAD DOGS!

We’ve had rain in biblical proportions here in the northeast, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Noah.  Dispite that, the dogs still have to go out to go potty.    So it was when it was raining particularly heavy.  …

Electronics partially installed. Awesome!

Yesterday was a perfect day to install electronics.  It was sunny and warm with a nice breeze to blow smoke away should we fry anything.Sven, the young guy who owns Boat Verk, is 6′ 7″ tall.   You’d think that would keep him from fitting…

I can hardly move.

We have about two weeks to get the boat ready to head out.   Rain is forecast for most of the upcoming week, so yesterday  was a dedicated painting day.   Pamela finished painting the underside of the roof and my job was to pri…

The Boat Bone Yard

There’s been a spate of dead boats lately.   Hurricane Irene was responsible for many, of course.  Sixteen boats went over the Troy Dam in upstate New York, I’ve heard.   This once beautiful CSY 33 was brought into Norwalk Cove…

Meet the feline crew

I’ve often posted about the dogs, Chevy and Ruby, but I’ve said little about the cats.   Perhaps it’s because I spend more time with the dogs.   Dogs are high maintenance, requiring exercise at the dog park and potty breaks several …