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Smooth Ride on Furthur

We equipped Further with Wesmar active fin stabilizers installed at JTM when new. They worked flawlessly for many years and many miles. We crossed the Pacific Ocean in comfort and made it halfway around the world. As with any equipment they grew tired…


Cruise in Paradise and save big bucks! How would you like to save $200 to $400 thousand dollars on your Selene over US or European prices and cruise in the most beautiful areas of the world? Selene is long known to be a world class ocean voyaging ya…

So Gay La 2019

There are those times when I ponder in wonderment, just how did I get here? I seem to fall into the strangest of rabbit holes. This one is a repeat as it is my second time of being given the great honor being on the judges’ panel at the San Ignacio Mis…

Smile Smile Smile

Smile Smile Smile, So the Grateful Dead song goes and so we did. One of the few things I really miss, even yearn for in the States would be attending the Dead shows. I download the newest ones, watch the videos, and smile at all the pictures my friends post of the shows. So, when I saw there was a real Grateful Dead music festival in nearby Japan, I started the wheels turning.   We like to take go out of the country every year and now enjoy taking Priam, fortunately his school also sees the …
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9 Year Report, The Crew

For nine years I have been sharing the Furthur Adventure with a long and diverse list of crew members. Opening the boat up to young travelers gave me experiences that most cruisers do not get. I learned about countries I will not see, cultures and trad…

9 Year Report, the boat

As Furthur enters her tenth year of travels in exotic places, let us see how the old gal is doing. The relatively trouble-free Cummins engine is still purring along happily. To date I have only replaced one non-maintenance part, the pre injector fuel pump. I did have some problems with the injectors on the generator leaking but replacing a tiny copper ring solved that one.   The only real angst came from the digital read out systems of the engine, the Smartcraft screens simply became unreadabl…
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9 Year Report, the boat

As Furthur enters her tenth year of travels in exotic places, let us see how the old gal is doing. The relatively trouble-free Cummins engine is still purring along happily. To date I have only replaced one non-maintenance part, the pre injector fuel pump. I did have some problems with the injectors on the generator leaking but replacing a tiny copper ring solved that one.   The only real angst came from the digital read out systems of the engine, the Smartcraft screens simply became unreadabl…
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the voyage 9 year report

Once again, I ponder the wonders of my life as we enter the tenth year of cruising full time in paradise. This past year brought us to many familiar new places and a few new ones. Easy living and great new adventures. We started working on the boat and enjoying Subic Bay where we sit in the marina for the ‘rainy season’. This gives us time to do some land travel and enjoy the decadence of civilization. I even found a spa with sauna and jacuzzi nearby.   November sent us on a new and most won…
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The Great Selene Rendezvous

It was a chilly day at the 2003 Seattle Boat Show when Kathy and John Youngblood boarded their first Selene.  I greeted them aboard, and we began the journey that would take us both half way around the world. The Youngbloods had not owned a boat nor had much experience but they had dreams, big dreams, of taking a trawler to the far reaches of the globe, dreams they shared together for years. Both had done their homework, studying all the facets of long range voyaging under power.  We wrote the…
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8 Year Report, the Captain

This is the report I save until last, and it has the least real information, but it is my favorite to do, and the hardest. I look back at the last year and go wow! The things I have learned and experienced in this life changing year.   We have centered our cruising range down quite a  bit, the central part of the Philippines has become our home, marina bound half the year and cruising the other half. This has brought back some missing grounding.  Now I have friends I see often and regularly, no…
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