While anchored in Cannery Cove, we spot a 100 foot boat heading towards the anchorage. We have seen this boat before. It’s The Enforcer, the Alaska State Trooper Boat. They deploy their small skiff and three agents are soon motoring through the harbor. We are the only boat here so are sure they will come […]
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Cannery Cove
Cannery Cove It’s another cloudy cold day as we fight the last of the flood current pouring into the narrow but well marked channel of Thomas Bay. We make our exit and head west down Frederick Sound. The currents are now with us and give Idyll Time a good one knot push. Several lone humpbacks […]
Ideal Cove
After spending 10 days getting Idyll Time up and running for the season, it is time to push away from the docks. Working down our departure procedures, we double check each step. Being away for six months, we are a little rusty. As we ease out into Frederick Sound, we soon see the familiar Stellar […]
The Crew is back aboard
We hope this finds everyone well. After a long delay due to the Corona Virus, we are now back aboard Idyll Time. Flying through the airports was much different this year. The Nashville airport was spooky with hardly a soul around. Surprisingly, our flight was almost 60% full. I think this was because the airlines […]
Spring 2020
The Corona Virus has changed the world and also our cruising plans for awhile. Idyll Time is patiently waiting in Petersburg, AK for our return. We hope to be back aboard soon. But for now we are “sheltering in place” at our dirt home in TN. This down time has allowed us to take care […]
Winter in Petersburg
Winter has arrived in Petersburg. The low was -5 degrees this morning. As you can see from the photo below, a fair amount of snow fell over the last week. SE Alaska is experiencing the coldest temperatures they have seen in the last 10 years. Through all of this, the boat cover seems to be […]
Christmas in Petersburg
Our Christmas this year is spent in Petersburg. Also known as “Little Norway” this is a a wonderful place for some holiday cheer. Getting here was not so great. We spent over an hour on the tarmac in Seattle while Alaska Air struggled to get one of the plane’s engines started. Not something that instills […]
The Whales of Frederick Sound
Those of you who have been following our blog know that we spent a lot of time this year cruising the waters of Frederick Sound. This body of water in Southeast Alaska must be traversed by all pleasure craft when leaving Petersburg for points north or west. It is also a busy waterway for both […]
Year End Summary
Our cruising year has come to an end and Idyll Time is securely tide to the dock in Petersburg, AK until next spring. This year we spent 156 days aboard , leaving from Anacortes early April. After a brief stop in Canada at Philbrooks for some boat work, we made a quick 12 day run […]
Petersburg, the small Norwegian community on Mitkoff Island, will be Idyll Time’s home for the winter. So why are we leaving Idyll Time in Alaska? By doing so, we won’t have the 1000 mile trip back to Anacortes, WA and also won’t have the return trip next spring. This will give us lots more time […]