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Cleaning out the forepeak and some aft cabin trim

I have decided that it is time for my guitars to come home. I kind of made this a necessity by reserving a slot for myself and some old bandmates at this years Maritime Day Celebration in Sausalito this August. Must practice… We started by clearing o…

Cleaning out the forepeak and some aft cabin trim

I have decided that it is time for my guitars to come home. I kind of made this a necessity by reserving a slot for myself and some old bandmates at this years Maritime Day Celebration in Sausalito this August. Must practice… We started by clearing o…

More aft cabin cabinets

I’ve decided to put some attention on the cabinets and storage along the back of the boat in the aft cabin. I’ve been kind of dreading this job, because its another one of those spaces where nothing is square to anything else and there are a lot of cha…

More aft cabin cabinets

I’ve decided to put some attention on the cabinets and storage along the back of the boat in the aft cabin. I’ve been kind of dreading this job, because its another one of those spaces where nothing is square to anything else and there are a lot of cha…

Galley countertop edge

I did some preliminary work on the fidley rails that trim the exposed countertop edge in the galley. Since the counters are quartz, there is no easy way to mechanically fasten the fidley rails in place. As a trail run, I ran a 3/4″ dado through some of…

Galley countertop edge

I did some preliminary work on the fidley rails that trim the exposed countertop edge in the galley. Since the counters are quartz, there is no easy way to mechanically fasten the fidley rails in place. As a trail run, I ran a 3/4″ dado through some of…

Aft Stateroom Closet

I know it’s technically a “hanging locker” as we are talking about a boat here, but this cabinet is spacious enough, that I’m going to call it a closet. There are two closet rods (high and low) and the closet runs about six feet long. The lower closet …

Aft Stateroom Closet

I know it’s technically a “hanging locker” as we are talking about a boat here, but this cabinet is spacious enough that I’m going to call it a closet. There are two closet rods (high and low) and the closet runs about six feet long. The lower closet r…

Wheelhouse settee and finishing aft cabin overhead

Here’s some pictures of work on the wheelhouse settee, which will also double as a watch berth when underway. I’m still puzzling over a way to have a small table here for casual dining and cocktails that doesn’t get in the way when not in use, but a so…

Wheelhouse settee and finishing aft cabin overhead

Here’s some pictures of work on the wheelhouse settee, which will also double as a watch berth when underway. I’m still puzzling over a way to have a small table here for casual dining and cocktails that doesn’t get in the way when not in use, but a so…