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12/1/2012 – Saturday – Houma to Morgan City

Josh and I walked to the hospital to get some decent coffee because the water that I used to make ours this morning did not taste very good.  At 8:15 AM we all left Houma and headed on our way to Morgan City (or Berwick) for the worst stopping poi…

11/30/2012 – Friday – Houma

At 9:00 AM we all headed over to the hospital for breakfast.  After breakfast Josh tried to call some more places to see if he could find a diver.  As he was walking the Houma Marina dock, he ran into two men on bikes and one said he would go…

11/30/2012 – Friday – Houma

At 9:00 AM we all headed over to the hospital for breakfast.  After breakfast Josh tried to call some more places to see if he could find a diver.  As he was walking the Houma Marina dock, he ran into two men on bikes and one said he would go…

11/29/2012 – Thursday – New Orleans to Houma

We all headed out around 8:15 AM with S/V Faith as our lead boat for the day, to arrive at our first bridge opening after the blackout period was over at 8:30 AM.  As we were waiting, a Coast Guard boat came up, heading out also, and (yes) we were…

11/29/2012 – Thursday – New Orleans to Houma

We all headed out around 8:15 AM with S/V Faith as our lead boat for the day, to arrive at our first bridge opening after the blackout period was over at 8:30 AM.  As we were waiting, a Coast Guard boat came up, heading out also, and (yes) we were…

11/28/2012 – Wednesday – New Orleans

Margie (on M/V Jim N’ I) picked us up around 10:00 AM for a grocery store run.  I was craving spaghetti and needed an onion, some spaghetti noodles and wine.  At the store the fried chicken smelled and looked so good that we decided to purc…

11/28/2012 – Wednesday – New Orleans

Margie (on M/V Jim N’ I) picked us up around 10:00 AM for a grocery store run.  I was craving spaghetti and needed an onion, some spaghetti noodles and wine.  At the store the fried chicken smelled and looked so good that we decided to purc…

11/27/2012 – Tuesday – New Orleans

I am so glad we made the crossing yesterday!  When I woke up it was raining and around 8:30 AM the wind shifted and started to really blow.  This would have been a very bad day on the Mississippi Sound.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!…

11/27/2012 – Tuesday – New Orleans

I am so glad we made the crossing yesterday!  When I woke up it was raining and around 8:30 AM the wind shifted and started to really blow.  This would have been a very bad day on the Mississippi Sound.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!…

11/26/2012 – Monday – Biloxi to New Orleans

I dreaded heading out today because the weather stations predicted winds out of the southeast at 12 knots (hitting us on our stern) with a 40% chance of rain, but we knew we should. Tomorrow’s forecast was for west winds (hitting us on the bow) and …