The plan: Get up to Nova Scotia, then over to Ottawa, then to visit friends Rick and Edyie in Ontario, the to Niagara On the Lake, then to Mackinac Island, MI, then home. We plan to see friends along the way—the Blinns at VA Beach, Marc Bowerman in SW Harbor, ME, and the Hawkins at […]
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2015 RV trip to Canada. We’re blogging again.
Land Cruising to Canada Page 3
Leaving Quebec City to spend a few days with our friends Rick and Edyie. They live on Mazinaw Lake near Coyn, Ontario. A beautiful lake, and 2nd deepest in North America at 555′ with the exception of the Great Lakes. They were so gracious as to tour us around the lake in their boat, and […]
Land Cruising to Canada
Bonjour from Quebec City. Lou, Troy, and I have driven up arriving yesterday. Great drive but long. Stops were Staunton, VA and Glen Falls, NY. We saw the Frontier Culture Museum at Staunton. Pictures follow. Whew! Lots to see up here. First the Frontier Culture Museum. It is a large area made up of farm […]
Life aboard Moonstruck
We have received private messages requesting more details about the boat and cruising it. Moonstruck has been an extremely reliable vessel for our cruising and exploring. Here you will find more about her, and why we enjoy her so much. We will show additions and upgrades that we have made and a little of what […]
Bahamas 2012
On Tuesday May, 29th Moonstruck pulled out of Fort Pierce, FL headed south/southeast to cross the Gulf Stream to White Sand Ridge to enter the Little Bahama Bank.We left the Ft. Pierce Inlet sea buoy at 8:00 am. We were quartering into seas from the Southeast and making 22.5 knots. Upon reaching the Bank, we […]
Around Hilton Head ’11
Stay tuned. Lou and I have the four grandkids for the long Memorial Day weekend. Heading down to the boat for a few days of fun. Since the time will be fairly short, we will probably not be cruising. There is plenty to do around Shelter Cove. …
Boca Grande to the Chesapeake ’11
Friday April 29, 2011 we drove down from Chattanooga to Gasparilla Marina to Moonstruck. Eleven hours, but not a bad drive. After dining at the Fishery Restaurant, we stayed the night on the boat. Saturday morning was extremely busy. We had the engines and generator gone over for their annual service. That was an all […]
SW Florida Cruise ’11 update 3/6/11
Local Cruising Arrived at the boat on 2/25/11 to do some chores and local cruising. We got the Weaver Leaver installed on the dinghy and noted needed parts to order. Then it was to go down to Boca Grand for a couple of nights, Cayo Costa for a couple of nights, then to an anchorage behind […]
Spring thru Fall ’11 Cruise Plans Updated 2/23/11
It is time for Lou and me to start making our cruise plans for the next year. This fall we do not want to miss the colors in the mountains, so we will be spending time splitting wood and enjoying the colors and brisk air. Then it will be doing some Southwest Florida cruises through […]