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Typhoon Fengshen, June 2008

June 2008, MV Ice raced across second half of South China Sea crossing, to make shelter in Bolinao, northern Luzon, ahead of Fengshen’s arrival. We squeaked in by the skin of our teeth and rode it out at anchor.  (View Post…)

Schematics for heat exchanger changes

Interesting how the schematic for the proposed system is analogous to a DC electrical system — where the distribution manifold and valves would be the circuit breaker panel on the positive side out to the power users and the return manifold being the …

coolant hoses arrive in pilothouse up from engine room


…the sailor's life for me, Ho!


1900 hour report

Position: N45 degrees 47 minutes W 124 degrees 06 minutes . 28 miles south of Columbia River, 5 miles offshore (Continued…)

Underway Again!


D & D Nagle aboard MV DavidEllis: SailBlogs 2013-06-29 07:42:34

Lee, Shearwater is 30 miles off the entrance to Honolulu (Ala Wai) with 30 mile visibility and benign conditions, so we’re going (Continued…)

29 June UTC Report

present position: 20deg 44.9′ N 159deg 31.5′ W, COG 071, SOG 5.1kts (Continued…)

28 June 1200 UTC Report

present position: 20deg 20.’ 6N 160deg 43.3′ W, COG 068, SOG 6.8kts (Continued…)

28 June 0000 UTC Report

present position: 19deg 57.1′ N 161deg 56.3′ W, COG 068, SOG 5.5kts (Continued…)