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Free At Last!!

Gleaming PropSpeed on the props next to Spurs with new zincs…well done! Free at last! No, we’re not off cruising south…yet. But, we are OUT of the boatyard, finally, and FREE at last. Happily, we’re now back in Outrigger Harbour where we aim t…

Snowballs in September!

Did you ever notice how one thing leads to another? Seriously, things seem to escalate. In ordinary lives, little things like wiping up one small spill on the counter can start an unforeseen chain of events (“Uh-oh, now the rest of the counters could u…

Maintenance and boat work, storms and worry

Since our return from the Abacos, Equinox has been the object of our attentions! Alas, we’re not cruising, but instead, we’ve spent the last month coordinating various work projects aboard her. While aboard this last month, we compiled a long list of n…

A wonderful week!

Whew!! Time has just flown by this past week!! We’ve been so busy enjoying our time in the Abacos, that I’ve been somewhat neglectful of the blog. (My apologies!) We did so much that I’m not sure I can do justice to all our small adventures and many ac…

What A Difference A Day Makes!

Goodness….what a breezy weekend! After Bret blew through on Sunday, the weather settled quite quickly. I thought for some reason, that it would take several days for the storm to clear out, but both the winds and the seas calmed within a day. Who kne…

Glorious Weather to Tropical Storm Bret

Indeed, being on a boat, the weather dictates all. The one constant in cruising and boating is that Mother Nature rules: schedules, plans, and hoped-for activities are subject to immediate revision and change. Numerous times. Multiple times. The only c…

Summer daze…

Ahoy, my friends! No Bahamian history lesson today, rather, just the usual travelogue and commentary on our escapades of late! We spent one day being somewhat industrious for ourselves, doing a bit of routine maintenance: oil change for the 12 kW gense…

Happy Independence Day, again!

One good Independence Day follows another! Did you know that the Bahamas celebrates their independence on July 10th? Yes indeed! While they cheerfully celebrate the national holidays of all countries (ours included) due to the large role that tourism p…


“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.”      ~ Walt WhitmanThere are times when cruising offers up a double-edged sword, moments of beauty and moments of pain. What, you ask? Cruising isn…

Green thoughts

Tuesday was a quiet, “turnover day” for Equinox. Our friends have departed,  so after a fun-filled “vacation” week, it was back to routine housekeeping and maintenance chores aboard. I vacuumed from stem to stern, scrubbed showers, cleaned…