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Rest Stop

Whata difference a day makes!! We passed through numerous squalls Friday as the front passed to the west; once through, we had nicely calming conditions, and a bit of sunshine for a change. We are transiting the Bahamas, and reached the Jumen…

New waters!

Gray skies, gray waters…exploring new territory!Exploration!We’re currently in new-to-us waters: on the Great Bahama Bank, running down theBlossom Channel towards the remote southern Bahamas islands of the Jumentos andRagged Islands. Most folks don…

Underway At Last!!

Atlong last, Equinox is underway once again! Monday, the 17th, was a day full of snags; whilewe’d wanted to leave early, we couldn’t, as we needed to retrieve our new sun-shadefrom the canvas shop, then found it prudent to double-check the new hydr…

A Sisyphean Task…

…will we ever get to depart?? Ron and I are beginning to wonder, as we’re beginning to feel like Sisyphus! For those weak on Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a rather arrogant and nasty king who was punished for his misdeeds by Zeus, who compelled him t…

Windows open and windows close

Clearly, I spoke too soon in my last post! The weather gods got their laugh after all! After the ugly storms and wind of last weekend, this past week was …. well, gorgeous! Calm seas, blue skies, just a perfect weather window for passage-making — an…

Following The Equator: Voyages of Equinox 2011-10-07 19:31:00

Well, for once the weather gods are not laughing at at us. Usually, when we are provisioning and preparing within the last month before leaving, it’s glorious weather and perfect for cruising! Which drives Ron absolutely bonkers, since he gets to champ…

Moving forward… I hope!

Well, another high speed day, with many things getting done aboard Equinox! Ron changed out the transmission oil on both transmissions while George finished wiring in our new freezer and replacing the aft bilge pump. They did other things as well, but …

Progress, progress, everywhere!

Whew!! Hours oflabor later (and not only our own), Equinox is showing signs that thingsare progressing. Hooray!! Of course, I find satisfaction in the little things aswell as the large, so perhaps I’m overly optimistic? Nevertheless, things aremoving f…

Got no bugs on me!

Least of all this one. Not an invited guest…EVER!Being the Galley Queen that I am, I spent Monday hauling pantry items back aboard, continuing to re-package, label and stow. Back and forth, back and forth, toting dry goods I went…relentless! As I w…

Heavy Lifting

It hasn’t exactly been all that exciting here the past couple of days, but rather, exhausting! And also very satisfying! It feels so good to be in the pre-departure frenzy stage — a place we’ve been before, so we can appreciate the odd combinatio…