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MVGUMBO 2013-04-02 19:25:00

Day 3 Friday March 29 Cat Island mile 67 to Dauphin Is. Marina mile 128.61 miles today.When we woke up this morning skies were clear. As I started to raise the anchor a heavy fog bank rolled in, visibility was almost 0 so, we had to…

MVGUMBO 2013-04-02 07:24:00

Day 2, Thursday, March 28       We left the Boomtown Casino bulkhead, mile 5 West of Harvey Lock, at 8:20 am. Weather was fine a clear sky and light wind. The Algiers lock which handles most of the large commerci…

MVGUMBO 2013-04-01 19:00:00

Day 1Last night Ray and Tena Riche dropped us off at the boat, after dinner and a couple of glasses of wine.   We cast off lines and pulled out of the slip around 8 AM, it was a bit cold but sunny and calm. There as was a lot of commercial bo…

MVGUMBO 2013-03-24 05:38:00

TestWe are getting the boat ready, if everything is OK including the weather we’ll sleep on board Monday night and start out Tuesday morning

Boomtown Casino to Houma

It was another very windy day today, about 20 mph from the SEWe left boomtown Casino at 6:30 and arrived in Houma at 1 PM. Marsha’s father was there to pick us upWe did get some rain on the way but needed it anyway to wash off some of the salt&nbs…

Pass Christian to Boomtown Casino near New Orleans

We Got up early and left the Pass Christian Marina at 6:30 it was windy all night and still blowing about 13 from the South. By the time we reached the Rigoletts it was quite rough. The waves in the sound don’t  get too big but are choppy, and bou…

The Wharf to Pass Christian

We left the Wharf at 6:45 it was hazy but  dead calm. we made it out to Mobile Bay which was also quite smooth too. After we passed Dauphin Island the breeze started picking up stronger and stronger till it was really blowing hard as we …

The Wharf Marina

We spent the day at he wharf today Our friend Ted drove down from Mobile so we had a nice visit, and lunch with him. Ted keeps his boat Bay Spirit, a Camano, here so we spent some time on it too. After lunch I did some things on Gumbo and had…

Pensacola Beach to The Wharf Marina, Orange Beach Alabama

We had the anchor up and were on the way from Pensacola Beach at 8:40, winds were light in the morning but soon picked up to about 10 K. There was a lot of pleasure boat traffic as today is a holiday for many, Good Friday,  making it a three day w…

Baytowne to Pensacola Beach

We departed Baytowne at 8:20 it was overcast with a light breeze from the Southeast. We traveled along Choctawhatchee Bay to Ft Myers the along the waterway between the barrier Islands and the mainland. We saw no commercial traffic and only a few pleas…