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Plan View of New PH Access Stairway

I hope I can upload this important plan view of the newly designed steps leading to the pilot house.  KKY 55-005 will be the first Expedition model to feature this new access.  One of the reasons I’m here sharing my excitement about this spec…

We Have Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so this Mac laptop is fantastic, but the operator, not so much.  I had Tom B. re-send me the pictures I seem to have messed up yesterday.  I had to tell him that a lot of folks might be really unhappy with me if I didn’t get these pics …

Technical Difficulties

It’s 11:08 pm and I got home from the barn a mere 2 hours ago after being out since 8 am this morning. In my hurry to leave the office for a dental appointment, I neglected to forward the boat pictures to this computer.  Well, I thought I did, but…

Stay Tuned – Pictures Tonight!

Assuming I don’t run into technical difficulties, I’m going to upload Tom B.’s pictures from the yard in Taiwan tonight.  I’m at work right now, so that’s why the upload isn’t happening now (in case you were wondering).See you later!

Houston, we have ignition

We have pictures!!!!!!!!!Stay tuned.  They’re on their way!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the best of times……..

Spring is here in the northeast – it finally found us!For a horse owner, spring means bringing mounds of muddy, dusty and just plain filthy blankets of all weights to the one laundromat within miles that will do them for me.  Gone are the days whe…

We’re on target

I was delighted to hear that we are on target for where we should be in the build process. Today was an “email” kind of day – and not too many at that.  As we speak, Tom B. is sending me a couple of large swatches of Ultraleather which I somehow n…

Slowly but surely

The Sunbrella fabric BOOKLET arrived today along with the Ultraleather color card (not a tri-fold but whatever is a 6 fold)!The choices are enough to make a grown woman cry!  There is one whole side of the Ultraleather card devoted to shades of “n…

Gearing up for the next round of decisions

Nothing too exciting going on at the moment, while not losing sight of the fact that my long-awaited dream of a boat is being built as we speak!!!Tom B. is working quietly and efficiently behind the scenes to make sure things are moving in the right di…

It was a quiet 2 days – for the boat that is

On Monday, I decided to finally visit my dentist to have him look at a lump that had developed under my gum – over 1 of my brand new front teeth crowns!  Oh oh he said, you have an infection brewing and will probably need a root canal.  Root …