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This is a non-boat related note to let my wonderful readers know that Tom and I celebrated our anniversary this past Wednesday (October 10) – a lot of years.  We had a wonderful evening, complete with flowers, champagne and excellent dinner at one…

Krogen Cruisers Chesapeake Rendezvous, 2012

Though I just recently returned from 6 idyllic days in Solomons, a paradise not far from Annapolis, MD, my heart is still there.  I was lucky enough to be the guest of a fellow Krogenite aboard her palatial and gorgeous 55′ Expedition, Invictus.I …

Labor Day Weekend is here…

Though Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, we KKY owners are just getting started.  Thanks to incredible creature comforts, the cooler days of fall are all the more reason to snuggle into our floating nests.This weekend has been remarkab…

Mystic Seaport, Here We Come!

Monday dawned a bit overcast but with enough sunshine to do our engine check with confidence.  Our planned departure was around 8, when the line handlers came on duty.  Once Tom looked at the weather, we hurried up our pre-departure routine a…

Blue Heaven 2012-08-11 18:04:00

Before I go much further into our trip, I forgot to introduce you to Serenity’s new little sister.  We finally bought ourselves a dinghy to use with our fancy Steelhead davit.  It is not just any dinghy I might add.  Since he was a littl…

Blue Heaven 2012-07-22 20:06:00

Serenity is back from her winter nap!  Okay, so it’s July, but we had some technical difficulties as Serenity shakes off her new boat bugs.On our inaugural cruise in mid-May to a raft up in Oyster Bay with our D dock neighbors, Serenity sucked a b…

Serenity Makes Her Last Trip of 2011

What better thing to do on a gorgeous though chilly fall weekend….you guessed it, cast off Serenity’s lines and head for the hills – of Port Jefferson that is.When one of our dock neighbors broached the idea of spending the weekend on our boats in no…

Part 2 of Our New England Trip

First, an apology.  Upon review of my last post, I realized that somehow the dates got mixed up.  The actual Newport Boat Show dates were Thursday, September 15 – Sunday, September 18th.  Sorry for any confusion.  I probably should …

It’s Show Time!

The Newport International Boat Show officially opens today at 10 am.  The opening is announced with the firing of what sounds like a cannon; the sound is still fading when the gates open and a stream of boat-loving humanity streams in.Before the f…

Day 3 – Pt. Judith to Newport

Today we woke up in Pt. Judith at the ungodly hour of 6am.  Why would anyone get up at that hour while on vacation you ask?   Well if you anything about the Pt. Judith Marina, it’s for the blueberry pancakes over at the Snug Harbor Marina! &n…