Monday, September 12 was sunny but very foggy. As we cleared the dock, we found ourselves engulfed in the most thick, pea soup fog I have ever experienced. How weird to find ourselves surrounded by nothing but dense, quiet fog. We fir…
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Getting Ready to Go! Day One
Serenity is on her way to the Newport International Boat Show! The show runs from Thursday, September 15 through Sunday, September 18th. Our Serenity will be one of the show’s stars as Kadey Krogen’s sole entry.Since everything I do is done…
Serenity is Home, Tucker is Getting Settled, Life is Good….
Holy cow, I looked at the last post date and realized that it’s been 7 weeks since I had time to breathe! Before you think I’ve actually caught up, I need to confess that the only reason I’m here right now is that our dinner plans on the boat got…
Didn’t Forget All My Followers
So sorry I’ve not been posting for a bit but we became grandparents for the first time last week. Life as we knew it has taken on a whole new dimension these days.Tucker entered our lives last Sunday morning at 9:20 am and greeted the…
Over the water and through the waves….
To those of you anxiously awaiting the saga of Serenity’s trip north, I apologize for the delay. I had almost completed the story last night = in fact, I was up to her arrival in NY when I did something with my hand – still don’t know what – and …
She’s Here!!!!!!!
For those of you who were anxiously awaiting Serenity’s arrival home, I just wanted you to know she arrived home safely on Saturday, April 9th at 5:20 pm. As Serenity was eased into her slip, stern in, she was greeted with bright sunshine, mild t…

Celebrating Serenity’s Christening (KK48 AE)
As I write this, our KKY captain is getting Serenity ready to begin her trip home tomorrow morning at dawn. She will make her way north through the Atlantic Ocean with the sea gods granting her fair winds and following seas. The next post I write will find us wildly welcoming Serenity home at long last!
Almost (but not quite) Done!
Hi everyone!At this point, I feel as if I’m writing to friends. Thank you all who take the time to read this blog, comment and join as followers. It’s a thrill to log on and find a new comment and/or follower. At first I thought blogg…
…and the masterpiece that is Serenity continues…
Yup, still at it folks. Even though the world is in shock at the devastation in Japan, life as we know it here continues as usual (thank goodness). Now that I’m an official boater, my heart sank as I watched beautiful boats tossed about lik…
Commissioning – A Masterpiece in Progress
If you’re like me and never experienced the commissioning of a new boat, you must be asking yourself at this point, “aren’t they done yet?” On Friday, Serenity will be in Florida for 2 months – for 2 long weekends, one in January and one last mon…