Well, I’m moved in, the mountain of boxes diminished but the amount of “stuff” is still overwhelming. I really thought I downsized when moving from the house to the first apartment – guess not as much as I thought.My laptop refuses to connect to …
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Moved in,
Well, I’m moved in, the mountain of boxes diminished but the amount of “stuff” is still overwhelming. I really thought I downsized when moving from the house to the first apartment – guess not as much as I thought.My laptop refuses to connect to …
Forgive Me!
So sorry for silence/absence.Movers coming at 8 am Monday and I haven’t finished packing yet. Making progress, but still lots of stuff to deal with.Going to the new apartment with the cleaning girl in tow to freshen up the place tomorrow morning,…
Forgive Me!
So sorry for silence/absence.Movers coming at 8 am Monday and I haven’t finished packing yet. Making progress, but still lots of stuff to deal with.Going to the new apartment with the cleaning girl in tow to freshen up the place tomorrow morning,…
Blue Heaven 2014-11-02 21:41:00
Taking a break from packing – a week from tomorrow is the big day. Though I’m trying not to panic as I look around, I feel the stirrings of panic beginning to make themselves known. It’s hard to just pack, given my crazy schedule. La…
Blue Heaven 2014-11-02 20:41:00
Taking a break from packing – a week from tomorrow is the big day. Though I’m trying not to panic as I look around, I feel the stirrings of panic beginning to make themselves known. It’s hard to just pack, given my crazy schedule. La…
More interior pictures
So, here I am frantically packing up the apartment for yet another move on November 10th – 2nd move in only 1 year, 12 days, when I’m seized by the urge to write. Writing is my “happy place”, where I can calm down and be in the moment. Than…
More interior pictures
So, here I am frantically packing up the apartment for yet another move on November 10th – 2nd move in only 1 year, 12 days, when I’m seized by the urge to write. Writing is my “happy place”, where I can calm down and be in the moment. Than…
More Interior Pictures
Whew, I finally got Tucker to bed! We had the best day – son-in-law Tom dropped him off at the barn. I had a great ride on Wiggles today – no antics or spooks, that’s ALWAYS a good thing. I was offering my picky horse his lunch al fresco in…
More Interior Pictures
Whew, I finally got Tucker to bed! We had the best day – son-in-law Tom dropped him off at the barn. I had a great ride on Wiggles today – no antics or spooks, that’s ALWAYS a good thing. I was offering my picky horse his lunch al fresco in…