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She’s through the Panama Canal!!!

At about 10:13 pm our time, Eris J entered the Miraflores Lock on her way to Gatum Lock on the Atlantic side.  She’s just leaving camera range as I send this post.I sat glued to this computer screen for about an hour after rushing through a fairly…

She’s at the Panama Canal!!!!!!!!!!

Shhh…I’m at work, so going to be quick…..True to his word, Tom’s friend sent this report:”Eris J is due to commence transit at 6:45 pm  (New York time).  Probably be an hour or two before she gets to Miraflores.”I’m guessing that the ship…

…..Still waiting but closer….

I don’t know about you, but I’m just about out of my mind with anticipation!  The last report from the ship was noon yesterday and Eris J was 409 miles from the Panama Canal.  Okay, so we’re down to triple digits.  I’m sure by now, the f…

Olympia is getting closer!

This is the latest report from the ship.  As you can see, they’re pretty mellow about issuing their reports.

25/Sept/2014 12:00hrs LT   –    20:00hrs GMT
21*43 N  –  109*23 W
Wind: NW  2 – 3  Bft
Swell : NW  1.5 mtrs
Speed: 13.74 kn
Miles steamed last 23hrs : 316 MILES
Miles to go next port Balboa : 2042 miles
Eta Panama (transit only) 01/Oktober   –  18/00HRS
Vessel pre-booked for Canal Transit 02/October
Eta Port Everglades 06/Oktober  PM

One point of sanity for me is watching the numbers drop as the ship approaches the Panama Canal.  By this time, if ship did only 300 miles per day, she would be 1,442 miles from the Canal.  I can wrap my head around that number for sure.

So what do I do with myself these days?  Pace.  Pace and plan.  Pace, plan and panic.

I content myself with looking at the various parts of the build process until I think I can build a 55 myself – well, at least as part of the build crew.  I ask myself questions, some of which I answer, some of which I don’t want to answer.  

I am attending the Rendezvous in Solomons next month.  I’m hoping that while I’m there, we will be getting pictures of the offload.  I decided to go to the Rendezvous instead of standing on a dock for hours burning vacation days when I could actually be learning something.  I do have tickets booked for the week after the Rendezvous to finally lay eyes on the image I’ve had glued to the back of my eyes since what seems like forever.  

I must confess that there is degree of apprehension about this meeting.  While I’m out of my mind excited to finally see the real Olympia, the specter of seeing her without Tom by my side will be something to reckon with.  I will have my beloved Laura by my side however – one needs to share this kind of surreal moment with a very special person.

So friends, just a few more posts until the real deal is here.  I have a feeling we are not going to be disappointed by Olympia in all her glory.  The “home of the gods” is coming home to me at long last.


Told you it would be a dry spell while Olympia is on her way!To brighten up things, I scrounged up something to show you. If you remember, I mentioned that I decided to put tiles on the stove’s back splash.   The idea of leaning across a hot stove…

Olympia’s Last Reported Location

This was Olympia’ noon position on September 18th (we only get a position update every other day).  Torture!  I’m reporting verbatim what we receive, so please don’t ask me to explain anything.  The numbers and letters are meaningless. &…


I actually waited for this new day to arrive so that I could pay tribute to my husband and introduce the girl of our dreams.One year ago today, Tom was called home.  His work on this earth was apparently completed, though to my grieving heart, it …

Ready to go……

The yard was kind enough to take some final pictures before putting my girl into her traveling clothes.  We finally have some pics of the settee in both the salon and pilot house with the cushions in place, the guest stateroom berths in their new …

Eris J in the Pacific Ocean with her precious cargo aboard…

Eris J is carrying my baby girl home.  Last position this morning just before 8 am (our time) had her southeast of Hakodate, Japan (wherever that is)!  She is due at the Panama Canal on September 14, not yet sure of the actual transit time. &…


Though beautifully finished, staterooms on KKYs are pretty much the same.  While that is true, the guest stateroom and head on this boat are a bit different owing to the steps to the pilot house and the steps creating walk-in access to the engine …