August 16, 2013
Latitude: 39deg.12 N/ Longitude: 143deg, 56 West
1094nm to Anacortes
1351 nm under our keel from Kauai
We are seeing a lot more debris from the Japan Tsunami.
This morning I made a small course adjustment to go around what looked like a small patch of kelp. While passing, I saw that it was a submerged fish net that was about 6-8ft x 12ft, it was a brown blob-like shape.
Later this morning we altered course to avoid two groups of fishing floats. The two groups of floats were linked about 20-30 feet apart. On closer inspection we could see netting and line connecting the two clusters of floats.
We decided to turn around and drag a fishing lure past the flotsam; often, larger fish will hang around the junk and feed off of whatever is in the debris. We immediately hooked up to two fish, one a small tuna that we released and the other a 10-15 lb Mahi-mahi. Yumm!
Yesterday Dave woke me to ask about an odd vibration and a reduction in boat speed of about ½ knot. We stopped the boat, and then backed down to try to shake off whatever we were dragging. The seas were rough, so we didn’t get in the water. We did shake off the garbage and our speed went back to our normal 8+kts.
So, what do we do if/when we get something in the prop?
Here are some of the tools we would use to resolve the problem:
Use our GoPro Hero live TV camera to get an immediate view of what’s happening under the boat. This camera is in a waterproof housing that allows the live video feed wire to be hooked up to a small TV monitor. EYE OF MINE makes the housing. The GoPro is hooked onto a pole with underwater LED lights so we can use it at night.
To cut away the line or cable we have two pneumatic cutting tools, one is for doing car body sawing and the other is a hi-speed cutting wheel that can even trim off a badly bent propeller tip if needed. We haven’t needed to use either….so far.
p.s. we still haven’t seen another vessel in past 7 days. Where are the cargo ships? We think we are close to their East-West routes.