Days #139-140: 2847.6 total milesPort #63: Palm Island at Cape Haze, FLOB and crew knew these would be a fun stops. After seeing Nancy and Pete in Sarasota, Todd had made plans to visit his cousin, Luann, and her husband, Bill. He…
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Great Loop Date 12.15 – 28.2010: Half and Half (Family and Friends Along The Gulf Coast)…
Days #125-138: 2810.6 total milesPorts #58 – 62OB sat at the dock for 4 days while the crew recovered from vertigo after the night of thrashing at sea, celebrated successfully crossing the Big Bend with 5 other Looper boats and enjoyed the li…
Great Loop Date 12.10 – 14.2010: The Big Bend OR How Many Ways Can OB Rock ?
Days #120-124: 2727.6 total milesPort #57 (12/10/2010-Friday): Tarpon Springs, FLNII Wishin and OB left C-Quarters with 3 other boats at noon. NII Wishin had talked to 3 more boats waiting at anchor. We organized a convoy of 7 boats fo…
Great Loop Date 11.18 – 12.10.2010: Panhandling in Florida…
Days #95-119: 2555.6 total milesPorts #48 – 56OB got a good 3 days and 4 nights rest in Dog River, AL. While OB rested, Todd and I took time to give her a quick but good wash down. Even with the salt, she’s not as hard to take care of since we left…
Great Loop Date 11.5 through 11.13.2010: The Long and Winding Road…
Days #85-93: 2208.9 total milesLocks: 29 totalPorts #38 – 46The long and winding roadThat leads to your doorWill never disappearI’ve seen that road beforeIt always leads me hereLead me to your door……..The Beatles(Insert ‘River’ for ‘road’ and thi…
Great Loop Date: 10.31.2010 (Sunday) through 11. .2010: Following Tracks Back…
Day #80: 1771.4 total miles (20.5 miles today)Locks: 17 total (today: 2)Port #36 – Florence Marina, Florence, ALBOO !!! Halloween on the water. I had the decorations but we didn’t have any little ghosts or goblins visit us. Of course, our neighborh…
Great Loop Date: 10.17.2010 (Sunday) through 10.31.2010 (Sunday): Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow…
Great Loop Date: 10.17.2010 (Sunday)Day #66: 1610.4 total miles (33.8 miles today)Locks: 13 total (today: 0)Port #31 – Little Bear Creek, near Tuscumbia, AL – anchorageOB and crew had an important date on the calendar. The AGLCA Fall Rendezvous was…
Great Loop Date 10.16.2010: Who is OB?
I’ve had many questions from friends who have never seen the inside of OB and are wondering just how we are living in the confines of a boat. I went through OB and took pictures. This is how we are and will continue to live for the next 8 o…
Great Loop Date: 10.14.2010 (Thursday-Saturday): Life is Grand (at Grand Harbor)…
Day #63: 1576.6 total miles (today: 23.3 miles)Locks: 13 total (today: 1)Port #30 – Pickwick Lake, Counce, TNBlue Angel, Sea Estate, NII Wishin, OB and Quest pulled anchor shortly after sunrise. Today’s destination was Grand Harbor Marina situated …
Great Loop Date: 10.13.2010 (Wednesday): Wolf, Wolf …
Day #62: 1553.3 total miles (52.0 miles)Locks: 12 total (today: 0)Port #29 – Wolf Island (Anchorage; Crump, TN)OB and NII Wishin left Mermaid at 7:40AM getting back on track toward the second scheduled anchorage, Wolf Island. Sea Estate left about an…