Had to bring the epoxy inside last night so it didn’t freeze. Guess that’s pretty much it except for some sanding till spring.
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That’s pretty much it!
Not much to show
this week. Been lazier than ole’ Bootsy Boy lately. Must be the change in seasons. Body is telling me it’s soon time to hibernate. Tucked the car and boat away in barns for the winter. :-(This weekend I did manage to get the bulwarks tacked into place …
Still making baby steps
so slowly things are coming together. Keel sides going up.Dealing with a few alignment issues between the keel and the hull. No biggie, I’ll just spend some more quality time with my belt sander!
Finally got to spend some real quality time
with Mr. Belt Sander. 😉 Five hours yesterday and a couple more this morning. Rounded off all the chines so the glass tape will make a nice easy transition from the bottom to the side panels. Dirty work though. I got sanding dust in places you don’t w…
All stitched up and nowhere to go!
I hope! :-)Lori & I glued the pieces back together today. A bit more care will be in order from now on. I don’t want to have to do this again. Once this round of glue sets I’ll sand in between the stitches and blocks and add a layer of tape to make sur…
Sproing! Ah Sh*t!
There’s some jobs that I’ve enjoyed so much I decided, well, the boat decided, I had better do again!It went off like a shotgun! KaBoom! Scared the crap outta me. I was just getting ready to fill the last few holes before I sanded down the seams for ta…
Patty Cake Patty Cake
Ooops! That’s not cake mix there is it Darlin’? ;-)I always say many hands make light work and teamwork is the best work. Ayup, that’s what I always say so I let Lori do the epoxy glue mixin’ and fillin’ in the seams and kerfs on the boat tonight while…
It’s been slow….
but I’m getting back into the boat building frame of mind. Lori and I have started to glue the bottom & side panels together. Yesterday’s episode involved mixing up a big batch of epoxy & pecan flour for the glue. We mixed waaaaaaaaaaay too much! 😉 T…
If it won’t budge get a BIGGER HAMMER!
StrappedScrewedBlockedBeatenPriedBentTugged and…….Whipped into submission!My pry bar is still in there somewhere with a chisel too!