Bet you never did your laundry in this type of establishment. The front is a Cuban restaurant, and the back is an open-air laundromat. We sat in wicker chairs watching the world go by, eating an incredibly delicious pork panini, reading the NY Times, and shooing away the chickens as the washing machines did their […]
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Key West Moment: Pre wash, Panini and Poultry
Cruising Down the Keys
Well, we made it! After three years of talking about “wintering in the Keys,” we finally reached Key West. This is what sunset looked like last night at Mallory Square. That’s where everyone (and we mean everyone) goes each night to watch the sun go down. There are street performers and street merchants and lots […]
South Beach Interlude
We remained in Key Largo only about 24 hours after our initial arrival before engaging a one-way rental car to Orlando so we could retrieve our own that had been waiting patiently since a couple of days before our departure from St. Augustine. Having a vehicle makes cruising so much easier: no worries about provisioning, […]
From St. Augustine to the Keys
Moonset at Stuart What a joyous occasion to re-board Sojourner and head out on new adventures!! It had been longer than we had planned, and the excitement –and, quite candidly, the trepidation– were all the greater for that reality! Beginning in familiar territory, we decided to start the journey southward slowly and easily: limit […]
On the “Road” again!!
It’s been awhile since our last post- longer than anyone could have anticipated at the time, but we now have a great land base in Lexington and we’re back into the cruising’ life on Sojourner! We started our southward meanderings from Camachee Island in St. Augustine, FL with our ultimate destination for the season being […]
Sojourner’s Sea Stories 2010-12-22 06:55:40
Season’s Greetings We hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying the very best of this most special season! As suggested above, ours includes snow this year as we returned to Lexington Kentucky just before Thanksgiving to begin the adventure of re-establishing a land base. Sojourner didn’t make the trip… she’s in St. Augustine, preparing […]
Cruising in Canada
Lake Ontario = big & deep! Lexington friends Anne and Ava joined us for the first stage of our Canadian cruise, and it was very special to be able to share that adventure with them! From Ess-Kay Yards in Brewerton, NY, we headed up the Oneida River section of the Erie Canal and passed through […]
Catching Up
It’s been a long time and much has happened since our last posting! That missive highlighted the first, weather-driven portion of our trip south at the end of summer, but we haven’t really shared anything about the summer’s adventures or why we headed back southward along the Atlantic seaboard. We’ll cover both here and in […]
NY to VA: Wonderful, Weird, Wild and Wicked Weather!
We’ve started several blog postings only to get distracted by one thing or another, but we finally decided we need to post something, anything, so everyone knows we are still around and all is well! We have much to share about the summer’s adventures, including videos, but we’re having some technical difficulties in getting them […]
From VA to NY: Time Flying
It is hard to believe we are already in Central New York State and we’ve been here for awhile… more than a month ahead of last year’s trip!! In early June, we left Sojourner in Chesapeake VA at the Atlantic Yacht Basin while we took a brief car trip to Lexington KY. Overnight stops in […]