Greetings from the mouth of the Alligator River! We are once again at Miss Wanda’s, the marina behind the Shell gas station!! Assuming the predicted weather window, we cross the Albemarle Sound tomorrow and leave North Carolina behind… but that’s the end of our NC story, the 2010 version of which really began about two […]
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Meandering through North Carolina to Virginia
Landfall at Tanya’s in North Carolina!
It is hard to believe it is May 19th and we are in North Carolina already, at our friend Tanya’s beautiful ICW “B&B” in Wilmington, no less!! Sorry we haven’t made any posts to the blog since our departure May 1st… We’ve had great weather, albeit very hot in Florida, and so after the first few, short […]
Underway Again!!
It is May 1st and we underway!! We are in Titusville (yes, yet again!) after a good, though hot and long day on the water. We had hoped to get to New Smyrna today, but the heat and what turned into an almost 2-hour detour to get fuel at Harbor Town Marina on the Cape […]
Friends and Family in Frigid Florida
As we prepare to rejoin Sojourner on a permanent basis, we depart Orlando with many great memories of a Florida winter that wasn’t at all what we anticipated. We thought keeping Sojourner on the east coast would facilitate more time on her, and we had visions of sharing weekend cruises and overnight anchoring-out adventures with […]
The Everglades: Adventure of a Lifetime
Friends Shirley and Wayne discovered a Florida Humanities Council program on the Everglades and suggested we join them for the 4-day affair- What an adventure!! Officially called a “Gathering…”, the program is one of several through which the FHC engages both scholars and local cultural/civic leaders to provide participants with an in-depth exploration of the […]