July 21, 2012A deserted Greenway Sound ResortDeparting Port McNeill at 0955 we headed around the east end of Malcom Island and north across Queen Charlotte Strait to Fife Sound. As we headed out past then end of Malcom Island we ran across another fell…
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Shearwater to Port McNeill
July 17, 2012Departing Shearwater under overcast skies at 0915 we headed down Lama Passage and across Fisher Channel to Codville Lagoon where we anchored behind Codville Island in 90 feet of water. By the time we anchored at 1145 the skies had cl…
Prince Rupert to Shearwater
July 13, 2012Our departure from Prince Rupert was 0550, timed to maximize the push from the currents in Grenville Channel. The weather started out sunny, then cloudy at the top of Grenville Channel. There were a lot of gillnetters to dodge …
Ketchikan to Prince Rupert Southbound
July 8, 2012Another rainy day in Ketchikan as Jon & Susanne take a final sightseeing walk and pack for their return flight on Alaska Airlines. We were disappointed that the water taxi is no longer in business, but we were able to arrange a co…
Petersburg to Ketchikan Southbound
July 3, 2012Petersburg Fish Processing at duskThe 4th of July celebrations started early with a “trash” fish derby for the kids. Many of them were fishing alongside our boat. Only hand lines were allowed and the size of some of t…
Heading South – Sort Of!
We have to go north to head south on our way from Sitka to Ketchikan, June 25-27The rains returned, along with much cooler temperatures, as we cleaned and reorganized the boat in anticipation of Jon and Susanne Liljegren’s arrival on Thursday. …
Sitka Interlude Part 3
June 20, 20120500 came all too early as we headed for Biorka Island to fish. Alex Benson was with us to try his rigs out also. The day started slow, with a mixture of sun and rain showers, but no fish. Finally we hooked a coho, then t…
Sitka Interlude Part 2
June 16, 2012Arriving back in Sitka we were contacted by Alex Benson and found out that the Cypress String Quartet, who played both opening night and at the Larkspur Café on Wednesday, had taken us up on our offer to take them fishing, so at 0700 on S…
Sitka Interlude Part 1
Spirit is moored at Eliason Harbor in Sitka. There was quite a bit of maintenance to perform and also sightseeing, shopping and attending the opening night of the Sitka Music Festival on Friday at Harrigan Centennial Hall. The musicians per…
Glacier Bay to Sitka
June 2, 2012Departing South Fingers Bay at 1130 to minimize the impact of the flood tide into Glacier Bay we departed the park at 1330 and headed into North Inian Passage riding a large ebb tide, which at times hit 5 knots. The swirls were not to…