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Southbound from Port McNeill

July 29, 2011After docking at the Port McNeill Fuel Dock Marina Patrick hunted for spare parts (none found) and Miriam did the final shopping for provisions before Spirit heads back into the USA on August 5, 2011.  That evening we had dinner with …

More Broughton Archipelago Photos

Dinner in Sutherland BayOn the flybridge of Seventh WaveLinda Collier’s PaellaThe Raft Up!All 13 people fit on the flybridge of Seventh WaveEagles nest in Acteon SoundAllyson reading a Cajun fairy tale after the Cajun DinnerJennis Bay MarinaThe Roche H…

Broughton Archipelago Interlude

On the Move Cruise NorthJuly 23, 2011We departed Port McNeill and headed for the Broughton’s, destination unknown.  After several hours regretting our choice of directions around Malcom Island, we motored up Fife Sound and ended up in Shawl Bay,…

Ocean Falls to Shawl Bay

July 20, 2011The rain continued overnight with winds to 34 knots as we stayed safely at the dock in Ocean Falls.  The rain was heavy and we now know why the local residents call themselves the “Rain People”.  We checked the prawn and crab…

Random Pictures enroute Ocean Falls

The rain returned with a vengeance today in Ocean Falls, so we had time to download some pictures as we wait for better weather before moving on.The mermaid greeting visiting boaters at Ocean FallsSea Jay passing Boat Bluff lighthouse, Sarah PassageSea…

Prince Rupert to Ocean Falls

July 14, 2011As predicted, the rain settled in as we waited for Matheson’s to arrive.  We moved from our original slip to make room for all the boats predicted to arrive, and by 4PM when Jim and Cheryl arrived, the place was full.  We had m…

Dixon Entrance Southbound

Our route from Foggy Bay to Prince Rupert, who was he anyway?? The Cow Bay Cafe Fkying Kiwi Savignon Blanc The entrance into Foggy Bay Our last view of Ketchikan and the cruise shipsLeaving Ketchikan for the last time in 2011, under sunny skies, we he…

Farewell to Alaska 2011

July 11, 2011Today was another unusual sunny and warm day in Ketchikan as we prepare to leave Alaska for British Columbia, completing our time in SE Alaska in 2011. We did not go downtown, leaving that area to the passengers from the four cruise ships…

Wrangell to Ketchikan Southbound

July 2, 2011After getting up early to go to the post office, in the rain, Patrick arrived to find that it would not be open until Tuesday, July 5, even though the posted hours were 10:00 AM to 12:00 on Saturday. A USPS employee was there but declined …

Fishing Time Pictures 1

Mount Edgecumbe on a rare clear dayOur anchorage in Kalinin BayA pod of orca interrupted our fishingBut the orca are spectacular!Retrieving the crab pots in Saook BayEagles feeding on the beach in Ell CoveOne of the purse seiners joining us in Ell Cov…