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Powell Cay, Abaco to Norfolk, VA, 99.9 hrs, 742 NM

Sylvianne is still off in Taiwan and we need to get north of Savannah by June 1.  Brother Dave & Brother Bill join me in Abaco.  May 21 at 7 am we weigh anchor at Powell Cay.  99.9 hours later we are tied up at Waterside Marina, down…

Emily Arrives

Sylvianne is still in Taiwan, visiting Danny, Jon, Anelize & new grandaughter Emily!

Solo to Abaco

After the boys go home I spend a week solo in the Exumas, do some boat maintenance, chase some bonefish in Pipe Creek and then take the boat to Abaco via Eluthera.  The weather even cooperated! Speaking of weather, it has been fantastic here this …

Swimming with the Sharks

Keith & Trevor snorkel with the Nurse Sharks at Sampson Cay.

Trevor in the galley

Our chef prepares the catch, nothing like fresh Mahi!


Nice sail, big surprise!

Big Bull

Nice Bull Mahi, we released several big boys.


Keith with the two we kept, along with some Blackfin Tuna these Mahi fed us all week.

Boy’s Week Fishing

Brother Dave and his son’s Trevor and Keith fly into Black Point Exumas for a week of adventure and fishing.  We had a few really good weather days and the fish cooperated!I’ll post some photo’s as soon as I get a faster connection, most WiFi here…

Cam & Meg Arrive

Not sure without looking at the log book and you probably don’t care anyway but Sylvianne & I cruised around, hooked up with other “Krogenites” and whoever we met, then Cam & Meg arrived in George Town.  We had a really great time.  M…