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A few fun photos of various things along the way.

I am taking advantage of the fast internet. Downloading pictures can take forever…Lions in Zihuatanejo Mexico. I felt so sorry for these beautiful animals cooped up in their hot cages. Tom and Susanne out for a delicious dinner with a view.Barra…

Swimming with the Dolphins

Costa Rica

We made it to Costa Rica so glad to be here. Tonight we are anchored in The Bahia Del Coco. The winds are still very strong, but nothing Anna Mae can’t handle.The strong winds in this area are referred to as the Papagallos. I am so happy we wait…

Dolphins playing with Anna Mae

This is the pod of dolphins that we swam with on cruise to Acapulco. 

Tehuantepecs and Papaguyos

Checking out of Mexico in Huatulco was rather hectic… The process was time consuming but we maneuvered through it. Our tanks are full, our pockets empty, $4.00 a gallon for diesel was painful. We hadn’t taken on fuel since leaving San Di…

A beautiful day on Anna Mae

Our last evening in Acapulco was spent enjoying a beautiful sunset and dinner with the gang. With an early morning departure we returned to the boat early, I was surprised to find roses in the shape of a heart on my bed, cute teddy bear and c…

Acapulco Cliff divers

The Cliff divers ofAcapulco put on a wonderful show for us.


Our friends Marty and Cheryl introduced us to this little fishing village a few years ago. Bill and I talked about our plans to someday return and anchor in this bay. We made it, although terribly miss our good friend Marty!Walking along the stone pave…

Isla Grande north of Ixtapa

We decided to take a break from the marina in Ixtapa and anchor in the Bahia de Isla Grande for the night. It’s just a few miles north of Ixtapa. There are white sandy beaches that surround the island with a multitude of colorful palapa restaura…

French baker in Barra De Navidad

Each morning we would hear The French baker ring his bell to alert us of his arrival. He delivered fresh pastries in the to the marina. I think we sampled each item he had available enjoying each one.