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Balmar regulators need an adjustment

Our overnight run from Barra De Navidad was nice and calm. We played with several pods of dolphins along the way, did some fishing and after catching numerous skipjacks we reeled pull in the lines and called it quits. Currently we are lined up at …

Whale Rescue

We had an amazing and eventful 30 NM cruise from Barra De Navidad to Bahia Manzanillo. We discovered 10 miles out that the gremlins in our black water tank refused to discharge… It just so happens that orange seeds will stick in the duckbills pr…

Dolphins on our bow

Bahia de Navidad

Our 30nm run from Tenacatita last thursday brought us to The Bahia de Navidad or “Barra” as the locals call it. Melaque, another small town is to the north. They are separated by two miles of beautiful sandy beaches and turquoise blue water.We are at T…

A few photos

Anna Mae anchored in the Bay at Tenacatita

Lunch at Tenacatita

Enjoying a beach side lunch with the group


Mangrove lined Estero Verde in Bahia Tenacatita with the gang.

Surfing on the SUP

Tom on his Stand up paddle board behind Spring Day’s Dingy at 16 knots

Bahia Careyes

Spring Day at We poked our bows into Bahia Careyes. The colorful waterfront homes line the shore, it’s very pretty after cruising along the remote and sparsely populated coastline.

Cruising South

Spring Day and Insignia following us on our trip southCody Willamson the boat dog, on the bow of Insignia supervising.