Shortly after Mike & Nancy returned to the frozen tundra we had flights booked to do the same. It was a typical day of flying for me. Our connecting flight to Cedar Rapids had been cancelled two days earlier at which time we had been re-booked on a…
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Company Switches
Well no sooner had Kim & Lu left for the frozen North when Mike & Nancy flew in to escape the cold. Unlike previous years when they have visited the Florida weather was ideal this time. We wasted no time in unleashing Tourist and heading for Hu…
Company Comes
While most of the country suffers through the harshness of winter, we have been enjoying a very pleasant one here in Southwest Florida. Because of that difference the tourism people are happily having one of the best seasons in awhile. Certainly they a…
Dock Lines can be untied. Who Knew!
Last week the weather finally broke and provided us with the Florida weather we all come down here for. Light winds and temps in the low 80’s. Taking advantage of the forecast we figured out how to untie the dock lines and slip out of the marina.Our jo…
Shortly after we arrived here at Legacy Pam was cleaning inside and noticed that one of our portlite windows was cracked from top to bottom. Hmmm! Strangely enough it’s the one directly opposite the one that we just replaced which had the trim ring fal…
Friends and Fun
So life at Legacy continues. Small items are being checked off the list of things to do while we wait for the weather to warm up a bit. I know that sounds like whining to everyone back home but for Florida, it’s been cool.We had a pleasant surprise las…
Tourist Floats Again!
Eight months of not being on the boat has come to an end. That’s a longer time away than when we wintered Tourist back home! How’d that happen?We managed to slip away from home on January 3rd secured in knowing we were making the right decision to head…
Merry Christmas from the frozen North
Those of you who read this blog know that we have wintered on Tourist at Legacy Harbour Marina in Ft. Myers for the past few years. It’s a great place to be in winter but I’m not sure the warm sunset photos or the views over the boats towards the river…
Oops Continued
My last post reported on the154′ towboat Stephen L. Colby sinking near LeClaire, Iowa after reportedly hitting a submerged object. Crews have been working through bitterly cold conditions for the past two weeks to cover the 30″ x 12″ hole in the hull p…
Not a good day at the office for the crew of the M/V Stephen L Colby which hit bottom and sank near LeClaire, Iowa yesterday.The towboat Aaron Barrett from Ingram Barge Lines stands by to offer assistance to the stricken Colby.Fortunately the crew is s…