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Rain, Rain, Go Away

Before I get telling about our latest exploits Pam & I would like to wish her Mom a very Happy Birthday which she celebrated on May 1. Cheers! Happy Birthday Vada!So after three nights anchored at Cayo Costa we pulled the anchor and …

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Before I get telling about our latest exploits Pam & I would like to wish her Mom a very Happy Birthday which she celebrated on May 1. Cheers! Happy Birthday Vada!So after three nights anchored at Cayo Costa we pulled the anchor and …

Exhausted in Paradise

Our last adventure was cut short by a crack in our starboard exhaust hose. Not wanting to risk a catastrophe at sea we decided to come back in and make repairs. I was able to secure enough 8″ I.D. exhaust hose to replace both sides figuring i…

Exhausted in Paradise

Our last adventure was cut short by a crack in our starboard exhaust hose. Not wanting to risk a catastrophe at sea we decided to come back in and make repairs. I was able to secure enough 8″ I.D. exhaust hose to replace both sides figuring i…

Marco, Naples, & ????

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to sit down in a place with enough internet service to get a new post out. Lucky for you an exhaust hose changed that status. But first a recap of the past couple of weeks.4/2/13 Tuesday     We set out fr…

Marco, Naples, & ????

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to sit down in a place with enough internet service to get a new post out. Lucky for you an exhaust hose changed that status. But first a recap of the past couple of weeks.4/2/13 Tuesday     We set out fr…

Belated Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great Easter! Mine was somewhat lazy as I watched non-stop reruns of NCIS and also found time to observe Pam preparing our traditional boat holiday meal of Cornish hens. Once again as we did for Thanksgiving, we dined with our stand…

Belated Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great Easter! Mine was somewhat lazy as I watched non-stop reruns of NCIS and also found time to observe Pam preparing our traditional boat holiday meal of Cornish hens. Once again as we did for Thanksgiving, we dined with our stand…

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Pam made it home without incident except for the last minute discovery that her departure flight from Moline had been moved up two hours. Remember my Pamster isn’t a morning person.I scored a few points by having the laundry done (including sheets), an…

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Pam made it home without incident except for the last minute discovery that her departure flight from Moline had been moved up two hours. Remember my Pamster isn’t a morning person.I scored a few points by having the laundry done (including sheets), an…