6/12/12 Tuesday As always happens when you’re trying to leave one item pops up that you want to get done before heading out. In our case it was cleaning the AC filters. Not a big job, but still a delay.We finally slipped away around 10 a….
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Week-end @ Atlantic Yacht Basin
6/9/12 Saturday Work day. Oil & filter changes on both Cummins and the Onan Generator are on the work order for today. That is, my work order since it’s something that I am still capable of doing. I’m up at 5:30 a.m. and ready to go h…
Spooner Creek to Great Bridge, Va.
6/5/12 Tuesday What a peaceful night. After the storm blew through the winds died down, the sun came out and Tourist was cleansed of all the salt from the driving rain. A clean boat is a happy boat and knowing that I’m sure made both of u…
5/31/12 Thursday What a night! The water was as smooth as a baby’s behind and Pam and I slept straight through without getting up. Quite a feat for someone my age!Tourist got underway around 7:30 in an attempt to beat some of the days hea…
Roll out the Beryl
5/26/12 Saturday Holiday week-ends translates to heavy boat traffic. With that in mind I took a big risk and woke Pam up about 6:30 a.m. so that we could get on the water by 7:30 and hopefully avoid the part time boaters that will surely …
Submarines and Horses
5/20/12 Sunday It wasn’t long after Ange & Doug left that the winds picked up from the North sending waves over the dock and rocking the dock boxes in some of the slips. Fortunately we had moved Tourist from the North side to a South …
Birthday Visit
So with our extra day at Marnineland Marina we decided to stroll across the street to Marineland and feed the dolphins. The first feeding only had us with 1 other couple so we were able to spend a bit more time entertaining our dolphin, Sonny. We …
Killin’ Time
We spent a couple of days in Ft. Pierce cleaning the boat, going to Publix, (still no Hy-Vee in Florida!) and going out to dinner with the Coconuts crew.Lookin Good!Finally on Tuesday the 8th we pulled out of Harbortown Marina and started the trek nort…
Bye, Bye, Bahamas!
The winds continued to blow for two more days after Ryan left. The rain did let up which allowed us to walk downtown and to the grocery store. The store was much like any supermarket in the U.S. with a good selection of the things we needed. Downtown, …
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Before we left Green Turtle Cay we were treated to a tour of the island by Bru & Sandy on a golf cart they had rented. Most of the residents use carts for transportation on the island. We checked out the beach on the Atlantic side of the island as …